Agreement on Rules of Origin
Agreement on Rules of Origin: an agreement administered by the WTO. It sets out a program of work by the Committee on Rules of Origin for the long-term harmonization of rules of origin. Rules of origin are defined as laws, regulations and administrative determinations applied by members to determine the country of origin of goods admitted under most-favoured- nation conditions, i.e. it does not apply to products imported under tariff nation conditions, i.e. it does not apply to products imported under tariff preferences available through free-trade agreements or customs unions. The country of origin of the goods is either the country where the good has been wholly obtained or, if more than one country is involved, the country where the last substantial transformation was carried out. The Agreement stipulates that rules of origin should be administered in a consistent, uniform, impartial and reasonable manner. They should not themselves create restrictive, distorting or disruptive effects on international trade. Rules of origin must state what does confer origin rather than what does not. The Agreement contains an annex in the form of a declaration dealing with the administration of rules of origin admitted under preferential conditions. See also change in tariff heading and preferential rules of origin.
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Author of the text: W. Goode
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