Trivia quiz questions and answers about Harry Potter

Trivia quiz questions and answers about Harry Potter



Trivia quiz questions and answers about Harry Potter


  1. How many legs does a Hinkypunk have?  1


  1. What creature was Rita Skeeter’s animagus?  A beetle
  1. How many brothers does Ron Weasley have?  5


  1. What is easily Neville’s best subject in school?  Herbology
  1. Who wrote “Magical Theory?”  Albert Waffling


  1. Which Quidditch team did Oliver Wood sign with when he left Hogwarts?  Puddlemere United
  1. What does Ernie say the Azkaban guard gave him?  The Collywobbles


  1. Where does Harry ask Sir Cadogan to lead him?  North tower
  1. What happens when Harry quickly tries to polish his wand before Ollivander sees it?  Gold sparks


  1. Which one of the Weasley boys has an earring?  Bill
  1. What was Snape’s spell to guard the Sorcerer’s Stone?  A table of potions


  1. What magic does Ron Weasley try to work on Scabbers on the Hogwarts express?  Turn him yellow
  1. What is the third line in the Song of the Magical Egg?  And while your searching ponder this


  1. Where in Gringott bank is the Sorcerer’s Stone? Vault 713
  1. Who does Cedric have to save in the second task?  Cho Chang


  1. What does Dumbledore tell Harry he sees in the Mirror of Erised?  Pair of socks
  1. What curse did Voldemort use that killed Harry’s parents?  Adva Kedavra


  1. What do you have to do to garden gnomes to make them leave?  Swing them by their feet and throw them  (accepted: make them dizzy)
  1. Why does Madame Maxine get angry with Hagrid?  Because he suggests that she is half giant


  1. What color is Alaster Moody’s magical eye?  Blue
  1. What did Harry do when he saw Cho at the Quidditch world cup?  Slopped water down his shirt


  1. Where is the Divination classroom?  North tower
  1. Who did Hagrid borrow the flying motorcycle from?  Sirius Black


  1. What house is Cho Chang from?  Ravenclaw
  1. What is the nickname of the Weasley’s home?  The Burrow


  1. What kind of hair does Hermione accidentally put in her polyjuice potion?  Cat hair
  1. What is Filch afraid Harry knows about him?  That he is a squib


  1. What spell did Lockhart try to put on Harry and Ron?  Obliviate  (did not accept just memory spell/charm)
  1. What are the guards of Azkaban called?  Dementors


  1. How many Gilderoy Lockhart books are on the required list for the second year?  7
  1. In which room and which floor was Sirius Black locked in?  Flitwick’s office on the 7th floor


  1. Who gave Neville his toad?  His uncle
  1. What do you have to say to make the Marauder’s Map go blank?  Mischief managed


  1. Who did Hermoine go to the Yull Ball with?  Victor Krum
  1. According to Ron, two Neptunes in the sky is a sure sign of what?  A midget in glasses is being born


  1. Who was James Potter’s best man at his wedding?  Sirius Black
  1. How many tables are usually in the great hall?  5


  1. How much did Fred and George Weasley bet on the Quidditch World Cup?  37 galleons, 15 sickles, and 3 knuts
  1. How does Harry mark the door at the Department of Mysteries?  With x’s  ( accepted flagrate) (FYI:  Harry did not mark the doors; Hermoine did.)


  1. What are the cauldrons of first-year students made of?  Pewter
  1. How many questions were on Professor Lockhart’s first quiz?  54


  1. What is the name of Hagrid’s giantess mother?  Fridwulfa
  1. What is the name of Hagrid’s dog?  Fang


  1. What are the few words, in order, that Dumbledore says before the banquet in the first year?  Nitwit!  Blubber!  Oddment!  Tweak!
  1. What spell finally finished of the troll in the bathroom?  Wingardium Leviosa


  1. What is Luna Lovegood’s nickname?  Looney Lovegood
  1. Who does Hermoine kiss at the end of the Goblet of Fire?  Harry Potter


  1. How did Dobby punish himself after he sealed the gateway to platform 9 3/4?  Ironed his hands
  1. What is the name of the goblin that took Hagrid and Harry to Harry’s vault?  Griphook


  1. In what order does Hagrid tap the bricks to get into Diagon Alley?  3 up, 2 across
  1. About what age do unicorns grow horns?  4


  1. What did Hagrid give to Harry at the end of the first book?  A photo album
  1. Where did the Basilisk wound Harry?  In the arm


  1. What two boys were able to be the boy in the prophocey?  Harry and Neville
  1. Who is the Knight Bus driver?  Ernie Prang


  1. Who was the only known maker of the Sorcerer’s Stone?  Nicholas Flamel
  1. What creatures did Hagrid bring to his very fist lesson?  Hipogrifffs


  1. What is the most haunted house in Britain?  Shrieking Shack
  1. How often is Quidditch practice in Harry’s first year?  3 times a week


  1. How long do lacewings have to be stewed for the polyjuice potion?  21 days
  1. How many first years are allowed in a boat on the way to Hogwarts?  4


  1.  Which teacher at Hogwarts was a dueling champion when he was young?  Professor Flitwick
  1.  What color robes do the Griffindor Quidditch team wear?  Scarlet (accepted red and red and gold)


  1.  Who is the ghost of Ravenclaw?  The Grey Lady
  1.  For what was Salisar Slytherin famous for?  Speaking Parseltongue


  1.  What is the name of the wizard instrument used to remind you of things you forgot?  remembrall
  1.  What is Mrs. Malfoy’s first name?  Narcissa


  1.  Who is the keeper of keys at Hogwarts?  Hagrid
  1.  Who is the captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team?  Marcus Flint


  1.   Who helped Harry figure out the riddle inside the egg for the second task?  Moaning Myrtle (accepted Cedrick Digory)


Thank you to everyone who participated.  I hope you had fun testing your knowledge of J. K. Rowling’s books.  The answers to this quiz are final.

Note:  I got most of these questions from
Check it out for more quizzing fun.

Thank you,
Randi Eskridge
Young Adult Librarian




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Trivia quiz questions and answers about Harry Potter


Trivia quiz questions and answers about Harry Potter


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Trivia quiz questions and answers about Harry Potter