Quiz 1 of Management
Name: _________________ Student ID: ___________________
1. The process of creating new products that customers want to purchase is called:
A) increasing responsiveness. B) TQM. C)increasing quality. D) increasing innovation. E) restructuring.
2. A manager who trains and mentors subordinates to assist them to achieve their full potential within the organization is acting primarily within which function?
A) Organizing B) Leading C) Demonstrating D) Controlling E) Planning
3. According to Mintzberg, the thousands of specific tasks managers need to perform fall into three roles. Which of the following is NOT one of these roles?
A) decision making B) interpersonal C) informational
D) organizational E)all of the above were identified by Mintzberg
4. Advances in informational technologies have affected the tasks and functions of ________ managers.
A) top B)middle. C) first-layer
D) all of the above
5. The top managers of an organization must devote more time to ________________ than lower level managers do.
A) planning and organizing B) leading C) controlling
D) vision E) motivation
6. The outcome of planning is _________ , a cluster of decisions concerning what organizational goals to pursue, what actions to take, and how to use resources to achieve goals.
A) an organizational structure B) a control mechanism C) a strategy
D) leadership E) efficiency
7. Effective managers who choose the "right" organizational goals and have the skills to use the organization's resources are:
A) efficient B) effective C) strategic
D) conceptual E) technical
8. The measure of the "appropriateness" of the goals selected by management for the organization and the degree to which the organization accomplishes these goals is known as:
A) efficiency. B) strategy. C) effectiveness.
D) conceptual skill. E) restructuring.
9. When managers attempt to determine how well the organization is accomplishing its goals, this is an important aspect of:
A) leading. B) planning. C) organizing.
D) demonstrating. E) controlling.
10. A manager is deciding which programs to initiate. He is acting as a:
A) entrepreneur B) negotiator C) monitor
D) liaison E) resource allocator
11. A set of specific tasks that a manager is expected to perform because of his or her position within the organization is called:
A) a plan. B) restructuring. C) a role.
D) an efficiency strategy. E) none of the above.
12. In what order do managers typically perform the managerial functions?
A) organizing, planning, controlling, leading B)organizing, leading, planning, controlling
C) planning, organizing, leading, controlling D) planning, organizing, controlling, leading
E) leading, organizing, planning, controlling
13. If an organization has a hard-working, committed workforce, this is most likely to be a result of managers' abilities to:
A) organize B) plan C) lead
D) control E) resolve conflict
14. Most managers face jobs characterized by:
A) high variety B) fragmentation C) brevity
D) the need to rely on experience E) all of the above
15. When Wal-Mart builds a distribution warehouse so that it can supply products to its stores within a 200-mile radius on almost a daily basis, we say that Wal-Mart has achieved:
A) empowerment. B) a competitive advantage. C) increased quality.
D) increased innovation. E) none of the above.
16. The ability of a worker in the accounting department to prepare the organization's balance sheet is an example of:
A) a conceptual skill. B) a first-line skill. C) a human skill.
D) a technical skill. E) none of the above.
17. Boeing appoints an engineer to be the "go-between" between the company's Research and Development department and the government contractor that is sponsoring the creation of a new fighter airplane. This is an example of which type of role?
A) Monitor B) Leader C) Figurehead
D) Resource allocator E)Liaison
18. McDonald's decided to add breakfast to its hours of operation in order to increase the number of customers. This was an attempt to improve the organization's:
A) effectiveness. B) planning. C) leading strategy.
D) efficiency. E) none of the above.
19. Effective leadership depends on the use of:
A) power and influence B) authority and giving orders C) physical resources
D) structure E) policies and procedures
20. When a manager sends a memo to subordinates outlining a new company policy, in which role is this manager primarily acting?
A) Figurehead B) Disseminator C) Disturbance handler
D) Monitor E) Liaison
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Quiz-3 of Management
Name:____________ Student ID:_______________
1. The Moral Rights model of ethics
A) seeks to protect the privileges of people affected
B) maximizes the greatest good for the greatest number of people
C) distributes benefits in fair ways, but ignores harm
D) distributes both benefits and harms in a fair way
E) randomly distributes harms and benefits
2. An ethics ombudsman should have _______ authority.
A) Organizational B) Limited (to one department or division)
C) Limited (to only working-level employees) D) No direct authority
3. Johnson and Johnson's ethical credo states that its primary responsibility is to:
A) employees B) stockholders C) the general public
D) doctors, nurses, and patients E) the world community
4. Life experiences such as upbringing, personality, and peer relationships are most likely to affect:
A) societal ethics B) professional ethics C) individual ethics
D) all of the above E) none of the above
5. The standards that tell the practitioners of law or medicine how to make ethical decisions are known as:
A) social auditing. B) individual ethics. C) societal ethics.
D) professional ethics. E) reputation.
6. The term that alludes to the invisible barriers that prevent minorities and women from being promoted into top corporate positions is called:
A) stereotyping B) the glass ceiling C) the error barrier
D) the iron curtain E) reverse discrimination
7. The model that states that an ethical decision is a decision that produces the greatest good for the greatest number of people is the __________ model.
A) moral rights B) justice C) ethical
D) utilitarian E) equity
8. An organization's code of ethics of ethics derives from:
A) societal ethics B) professional ethics
C) individual ethics of managers D) individual ethics of employees
E) all of the above
9. Behavior that falls outside the bounds of accepted standards or values is called:
A) Unwarranted B) Dishonest C) Unethical
D) Harmful E) Self-interest
10. The ____________ model states that an ethical decision is the one that best maintains the fundamental rights of people.
A) Moral Rights B) Utilitarian C) Justice
D) Equity E) Ethical
11. The Justice Model of ethics:
A) seeks to protect the privileges of people affected
B) maximizes the greatest good for the greatest number of people
C) distributes benefits in fair ways, but ignores harm
D) distributes both benefits and harms in a fair way
E) randomly distributes harms and benefits
12. A food products company assembles a focus group to give feedback on a potential new product by assembling a group of racially-, age-, and gender-mixed individuals. This is an example of:
A) ethical management B) breaking the glass ceiling
C) managing diversity D) bias E) the ombudsman effect
13. Research on social influence indicates that people are more likely to be persuaded by others who:
A) are minorities B) are women C) are ethical
D) are strangers E) have high status
14. The diversity of the U.S. workforce has ____________________ in the last 30 years; this trend is __________________.
A) increased; continuing. B) increased; reversing C) decreased; continuing
D) decreased; reversing E) none of the above
15. One managerial implication of the justice model is that managers should base their decisions on:
A) the effects on stakeholders' rights
B) what provides the maximum benefit to most stakeholders
C) whatever promotes a fair distribution of outcomes
D) arbitrary factors
E) the organization's culture
16. A managerial choice that would be reasonable and acceptable to a typical stakeholder in the organization is called:
A) an unethical decision B) a reputable decision C)a socially responsible decision
D) an auditable decision E) an ethical decision
17. The standards that tell members of a society how they are to deal with one another in terms of fairness and individual rights are called:
A) social audits B) societal ethics C)stereotyping
D) individual ethics E) professional ethics
18. Effective management of diversity contributes to an organization's competitive advantage by potentially increasing its:
A) creativity B) responsiveness to segments of its market(s)
C) motivation of its workforce D) avoidance of discrimination lawsuits
E) all of the above
19. The Family and Medical Leave Act requires employers to provide ___ weeks of ___ leave for medical and family reasons.
A) 12; unpaid B) 12; paid C) 6; unpaid
D) 6; paid E) 2; paid
20. What are takeholders_? Name examples. Why is understanding stakeholders important to organizational managers?
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Stakeholders are those individuals or organizations that have an interest in the organization. Stakeholders include employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders, suppliers, and the local community. Stakeholders control the inputs and outputs of the organization through their abilities to supply inputs (such as capital, legal standing, and work) and outputs (purchasing of the organization's goods or services). Since the organization is an open system, restriction of these inputs or outputs can harm the organization. |
Quiz-Chapter 5 Management
Name:_____________ Student ID: _________________
1. When uncertainty exists, the probabilities of alternative outcomes __________ be determined and the future outcomes are __________.
A) can; known B) cannot; known C) can; unknown
D) cannot; unknown E) none of the above
2. When an issue is controversial and when different managers might be expected to champion different courses of action, the preferred technique is:
A) production blocking B) brainstorming C) team learning
D) nominal group E) devils advocacy
3. A sales manager talks with his subordinates about the way they should all treat customers. The manager is focusing on the _________ of creating a learning organization.
A) personal mastery B) mental models C) team learning
D) shared vision E) systems thinking
4. Which of the following is not a reason that group decision-making is superior to individual decision-making?
A) fewer bias's and errors B) more feasible alternatives generated
C) groupthink D) correction of each others' errors
E) increased probability of successful implementation
5. In assessing alternatives for a decision, managers typically use all of the following criteria EXCEPT:
A) legality. B) dialectical inquiry. C) economic feasibility.
D) practicality. E) ethicalness.
6. Which of the following is least likely to result in bad managerial decision-making?
A) Lack of creativity in generating alternatives.
B) Failure to balance decision criteria appropriately
C) Failure to specify important decision criteria
D) Not acting on a decision once it's made.
E) Too many possible alternatives.
7. When the information available to a manager is incomplete because the manager must make a decision quickly, this is known as:
A) bounded rationality. B) devil's advocacy. C) dialectical inquiry.
D) a time constraint. E) an information cost.
8. An organization is trying to decide whether or not to launch nationally a new product that this organization has never sold previously. This represents which type of decision for the organization?
A) Programmed B) Intuition C) Groupthink
D) Nonprogrammed E) Satisficing
9. Decisions which have been made many times in the past and for which managers have rules and guidelines as to how to make similar decisions in the future are known as:
A) nonprogrammed decisions B) heuristic decisions
C) programmed decisions D) intuitive decisions
E) creative decisions
10. Which of the following is a programmed decision?
A) How much to invest in a new product. B) Whether to expand into a new market.
C) When to time a new advertising campaign.
D) When to bill customers. E) Whether to buy another company.
11. What do managers do to regulate routine activities?
A) create a mission statement B) establish rules and guidelines
C) create cross-functional teams D) facilitate a strong organizational culture
E) train workers in the use of intuition
12. When managers know the possible outcomes of a decision and can assign probabilities to each of these outcomes in terms of their likelihood of occurrence in the future, this is known as:
A) uncertainty. B) certainty. C) risk.
D) bounded rationality. E) dialectical inquiry.
13. A manager's ability to make a good decision based on past experience and "a gut feeling" is known as:
A) a programmed decision. B) a nonprogrammed decision.
C) a heuristical decision. D) an intuitive decision.
E) a judgment
14. Based on the work of March & Simon's Administrative Model, the first step in the managerial decision-making process is to:
A) choose among alternatives. B) assess alternatives.
C) implement the chosen alternative. D) recognize the need for a decision.
E) generate alternatives.
15. A manager considers a limited sample of the potential alternative solutions for a problem and selects one that is acceptable instead of attempting to select the optimum solution. This type of decision is called:
A) programmed. B) intuition. C) certainty.
D) satisficing. E) heuristics.
16. In the administrative model of decision making, when the number of possible alternatives to a decision is so large that the manager cannot possibly evaluate all of them before making a decision, ________ will occur.
A) satisficing. B) bounded rationality. C) brainstorming.
D) devil's advocacy. E) the optimum decision.
17. Research shows that people are more creative when:
A) they are all under time pressure B) they are all closely supervised
C) they can make mistakes D) negative feedback is withheld
E) they are required to work without others' help.
18. A manager challenges his subordinates to “think outside the box” to improve the way the unit does its work. This manager is focusing on the _________ of creating a learning organization.
A) personal mastery B) mental models C) team learning
D) shared vision E) systems thinking
19. To create a learning organization, managers should empower employees and allow them to experiment, create and explore what they want. This is called developing ________.
A) personal mastery B) mental models C) team learning
D) shared vision E) systems thinking
20. Sometimes in a brainstorming session group members cannot make sense of all that is going on. This problem is called:
A) production blocking B) groupthink C) nominal group problem
D) founded rationality E) devil's advocacy
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Quiz-Ch.6 Management
Name: ____________ Student ID:________________
1. The first step in implementing strategy is to:
A) establish the mission B) allocate responsibility C) hold people responsible
D) establish a timetable E) allocate resources
2. An organization attempts to succeed by distinguishing its products from those of the competition. What type of strategy is this?
A) Focused differentiation strategy B) Low-cost strategy
C) Related diversification strategy D) Unrelated diversification strategy
E) Concentration on a single business strategy
3. When an organization enters a new type of industry, which is not similar in any way to the current businesses of the organization, this is known as which type of strategy?
A) Concentration on a single business B) Unrelated diversification
C) International expansion D) Related diversification
E) Vertical integration
4. In which step of SWOT analysis would “slower market growth” be most likely to arise?
A) S B) W C) O D) T E) Either S or W
5. All of the following are principle corporate-level strategies that managers can use to help their organization increase its sales and profits EXCEPT:
A) concentration on a single business. B) diversification.
C) international expansion. D) vertical integration.
E) focus.
6. A functional-level plan spells out the goals of the __________ which are intended to assist the organization to achieve its __________ goals.
A) division; corporate B) department; corporate
C) business; divisional D) division; business
E) none of the above
7. Which level of management of a large organization contains the organization's marketing department, R&D department, and human resources department for that level of the organization?
A) Divisional B) First-line C) Vertical
D) Scenario level E) Multidomestic level
8. GE Financial Services is an example of which level of management operations for General Electric Company?
A) Functional B) Corporate C) Divisional
D) Departmental E) None of the above
9. In which step of SWOT analysis would “obsolete, narrow product line” be most likely to arise?
A) S B) W C) O D) T E) Both O and T
10. An organization purchases one of its suppliers in order to obtain access to the raw materials, which it needs, for its production. It also decides to sell its products through its own retail outlets. The former is known as __________ while the latter is known as __________.
A) forward vertical integration; backward vertical integration
B) backward vertical integration; forward vertical integration
C) forward vertical integration; forward vertical integration
D) backward vertical integration; backward vertical integration
E) none of the above
11. Two divisions of a company decide to use the same manufacturing facilities to capitalize on the organization's excess capacity and to reduce the fixed costs assigned by corporate headquarters. This is an example of:
A) a diversification strategy. B) concentration on a single business.
C) international expansion. D) a focused-differentiation strategy.
E) synergy.
12. BMW produces cars exclusively for high-income customers. BMW is pursuing a _________ strategy
A) focused differentiation B) focused low-cost
C) differentiation D) low-cost
E) a combination of the above
13. Coca-Cola spends an enormous amount of money to try to convince consumers that its product is better than its competitors. Coca-Cola is pursuing a _______ strategy.
A) focused differentiation B) focused low-cost
C) differentiation D) low-cost
E) a combination of the above
14. A broad statement of the organization's purpose, products, and customer base that differentiate the organization from its competitors is known as:
A) a functional-level plan. B) a mission statement.
C) a SWOT analysis. D) a focused low-cost strategy.
E) a focused differentiation strategy.
15. A department of the organization (such as manufacturing, accounting, marketing) which contains employees who have the same skills and use the same organizational resources to perform their jobs is known as a(n) __________ of the organization.
A) division B) business C) function
D) vertical integration E) synergy
16. A general guide to action for the managers of an organization is known as:
A) a standing plan. B) a rule. C) a policy.
D) an SOP. E) none of the above.
17. A plan that is updated and changed every year to take into consideration how the external environment and the organization's internal environment have changed since the plan was prepared is known as:
A) An intermediate-term plan B) A long-term plan
C) A rolling plan D) A divisional plan
E) A corporate-level plan
18. What type of strategy specifies the activities of managers at the departmental level of the organization?
A) Functional-level strategy B) Business-level strategy
C) Corporate-level strategy D) Divisional-level strategy
E) Top-level strategy
19. General Electric Company sets a goal that every product line of the company should be either first or second in its industry in market share. What type of goal does this represent?
A) Corporate-level B) Divisional-level C) Functional-level
D) Business-level E) Multidomestic-level
20. Fayol stated that managers should attempt to collect and to use all available information in the organization's planning process. Which aspect of planning was he emphasizing?
A) Unity B) Flexibility C) Continuity
D) Accuracy E) Synergy
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Quiz-Ch.7-- Management Name:____________ Student ID:___________
1. If the external environment of an organization is stable and if uncertainty is low, then __________ coordination among workers is needed to obtain resources and managers can bring __________ formality to the design of the organizational structure.
A) more; more B) less; more C) more; less
D) less; less E) none of the above.
2. In general, the more stable the organization's environment, the __________ complex its strategy; and the more skilled its workforce, the __________ likely that the organization will use a formal organizational structure.
A) more; more B) more; less C) less; more
D) less; less E) none of the above
3. A commercial airline pilot has ___________________ than a statistician who works in the Office of the Budget in the federal government.
A) less feedback B) less task identity C) less task significance
D) more feedback E) none of the above
4. McDonald's Corporation made a basic decision as to how to divide the tasks of the jobs of "chefs" and "food servers" in its restaurants. This was an example of:
A) continuous-process technology. B) job design.
C) divisional structure. D) product structure.
E) matrix structure.
5. By decentralizing, organizations are more likely to:
A) need to hire more managers B) respond to customers needs
C) become less flexible D) slow down decision-making processes
E) disband cross-functional teams
6. The relative authority that each manager in the organization has from the CEO down to the lowest-level manager is called:
A) the market structure of the organization.
B) the customer structure of the organization.
C) the product structure of the organization.
D) the geographic structure of the organization.
E) the chain of command of the organization.
7. Strategic alliances re usually formed between companies that have __________ interests and believe they can benefit from __________.
A) similar; cooperating B) competitive; cooperating
C) similar; agreeing not to compete D) competitive; agreeing not to compete
E) independent; agreeing not to compete
8. According to Hackman and Oldham's Job Characteristics Theory, the __________ workers feel that their work is meaningful and that they are responsible for the work outcomes, the __________ motivating the work becomes and the __________ likely the worker is to be satisfied by the work.
A) more; less; less B) more; more; less C) less; more; less
D) less; less; more E) more; more; more
9. A salesperson who has the authority to decide on which prospective customers he will make a personal sales call has ___________________ than an order taker at a Burger King Restaurant.
A) less autonomy B) less task significance C) less task identity
D) more autonomy E) less skill variety
10. When a custom-built Rolls Royce automobile is manufactured, what type of technology is being used?
A) Mass-production technology B) Continuous-process technology
C) Small-batch technology D) Matrix technology E) Hybrid technology
11. In general, the more highly skilled the organization's workforce and the more the workers are required to work together in teams, the __________ likely the organization will use a __________ structure.
A) less; flexible B) more; formalized C) more; flexible
D) less; formalized E) none of the above
12. A manager can enrich the job of a subordinate by:
A) empowering the subordinate to re-design his or her job.
B) encouraging the subordinate to develop new job skills.
C) giving the subordinate the responsibility to decide what to do in an unexpected situation.
D) allowing the subordinate to monitor his or her own job performance.
E) all of the above
13. Ford Motor Co. brings together senior managers from marketing, R&D, manufacturing, accounting, and finance to work together on a project team to design a new type of sport utility vehicle. This is an example of:
A) a cross-functional team. B) a mass-production team.
C) a continuous-process team. D) a standing committee.
E) a small-batch team.
14. In designing an organization, if managers are grouped both by function and by product at the same time, what type of organizational structure is being used?
A) Market structure B) Geographic structure
C) Functional structure D) Matrix structure
E) Divisional structure
15. Federal Express Corporation organizes its managers according to the different regions of the world in which the managers work. This is an example of which type of organizational structure?
A) Market structure B) Customer structure C) Product structure
D) Matrix structure E) Geographic structure
16. The extent to which a job requires the worker to use a wide range of knowledge and abilities is known as:
A) task identity. B) task significance. C) autonomy.
D) skill variety. E) feedback.
17. The degree to which a manager feels that his or her job is "meaningful" because of the way in which the job affects other people is known as:
A) skill variety. B) feedback. C) autonomy.
D) task significance. E) task identity.
18. In general, the more complicated the technology, the __________ the need for a flexible organizational structure; and the __________ routine the technology, the __________ appropriate is the use of a formal organizational structure.
A) greater; more; less B) less; more; less C) greater; more; more
D) greater; less; less E) none of the above
19. Which type of technology is based primarily on automated machines that are programmed to perform the same operations over and over again in the same way?
A) Small-batch technology B) Task force technology
C) Mass-production technology D) Functional technology E) None of the above
20. A manager increases the number of tasks that a subordinate has to do in order to attempt to make the job more interesting for the subordinate. This is called:
A) job simplification. B) job enlargement. C) job enrichment.
D) a matrix structure. E) a functional job structure.
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Source: http://staffweb.ncnu.edu.tw/clhung/Management/quiz-1.rtf
Web site to visit: http://staffweb.ncnu.edu.tw
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