Biology 30 Syllabus
Welcome to Biology 30. This course is designed to further your understanding of the human body from where you finished in Biology 20. You will learn how the human body regulates its systems, reproduces, and contributes to the survival of the species.
The text for the course is Inquiry Into Biology, the same text you used in Biology 20. This course, however, focuses on the last half of the text, chapters 11-19, although not all parts of some chapters are covered in detail. The following outline gives a listing of the concepts and the associated chapters in the textbook.
Biology 30 consists of 4 units of study
Unit 1: Systems Regulating Change in Human Organisms (chapters 11, 12, 13) 5 weeks
Unit 2: Reproduction and Development (chapters 14, 15) 3 weeks
Unit 3: Cells, Chromosomes, and DNA (chapters 16,17,18) 7 weeks
Unit 4: Change in Populations and Communities (chapters 19, 20) 2 weeks
Lab, quizzes, assignments 40% Diploma Exam: 50% of your final mark
Tests 45% 48 multiple choice
Final exam 15% 12 numerical response
: In class final exam : Diploma exam
Student Expectations
Academic Expectations
Homework Policy
1. Late assignments will lose marks. Homework handed in at the end of class is late. It is the responsibility of the student to inquire about missed or alternate assignments.
2. Alternate assignments will be given to those who cannot do some dissections/labs or who miss
assignments with legitimate reasons
1. The human organism regulates physiological processes, using electrochemical control systems.
· the human organism, like other organisms, maintains control over its internal environment with neural systems, by extending from Science 10, Unit 1, energy systems, Science 10, Unit 2, cell processes and Biology 20, Unit 4, the biological systems that maintain the organism’s equilibrium with the environment, and by:
A · describing the structure and function of a neuron and myelin sheath, explaining the formation and transmission of an action potential and the transmission of a signal across a synapse or neuromuscular junction and the main chemicals and transmitters involved; i.e., norepinephrine, acetylcholine and the enzyme that breaks them down
3. identify and state the functions of the cell body, axon, dendrite, schwann cell, myelin, nodes of Ranvier, synaptic knob/end plate, neurilemma, synapse, neuromuscular junction
4. distinguish between myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers
5. define resting potential, action potential, and refractory period.
6. explain the role of the sodium/potassium pump and ion channels/gates, establish resting potentials
7. explain how action potentials develop
8. explain what happens during the refractory period
9. describe how the signal is transmitted across the synapse or neuromuscular junction using acetylcholine and cholinesterase
10. list several other neurotransmitters
11.relate types of stimuli, threshold values, and all or none response to action potentials
12. recognize that chemical transmitters may be excitatory and/or inhibitory
13. explain how humans can experience a range in intensity of stimuli because of changes in frequency of impluses.
14. observe neurons and neuromuscular junctions on prepared microscope slides
B · describing the composition and function of a simple reflex arc and the organization of neurons into nerves
1. list the components of a reflex arc and trace the pathway of a reflex arc to and from the spinal cord
2. design and perform an experiment to investigate the physiology of reflex arcs.
1. identify and state functions of : cerebrum, lobes of cerebrum, hypothalamus, pons, medulla oblongata, cerebellum, hemispheres of the cerebrum, corpus callosum, pituitary gland.
2. describe the organization of the peripheral nervous system (sensory, motor, somatic, autonomic)
3. relate the location of myelinated and unmylenated nerve fibres to white and gray matter within the CNS
4. explain the homeostatic functions of the autonomic nervous system
5. observe or identify the principal features of the brain using models and drawings
1. identify structure responsible for detecting external stimuli (mechanical, chemical, heat, light, sound)
2. identify and state the functions of: cornea, lens, iris, conjunctiva, iris, pupil, sclera, choroid layer, retina, fovea centralis, blind spot, optic nerve, aqueous and vitreous humors, rods and cones
3. explain how the structures of the eye are used to form an image on the retina
4. explain how nerve impulses are generated in rod cells using rhodopsin
5. list common eye defects
6. identify and state the function of: outer ear, middle ear, inner ear, pinna, auditory canal, eardrum, eustacian tube, ossicles, cochlea, organ or corti, vestibule, utricle, saccule, oval window, round window, auditory nerve, semicircular canals
7. differentiate between static and dynamic equilibrium
2. The human organism maintains homeostasis through the use of complex chemical control systems.
· endocrine systems coordinate other organ systems through feedback to maintain internal homeostasis as well as the organism’s equilibrium with the environment, by extending from Biology 20, Unit 4, the maintenance of metabolic equilibrium, and by:
A · identifying the principal endocrine glands of the human organism; e.g., the hypothalamus/pituitary complex, thyroid and adrenal glands, pancreas islet cells
1. define endocrine and exocrine glands, hormone, and target tissue
2. identify: pituitary, thyroid, thymus, adrenal, pancreas, ovaries, and testes
3. differentiate between steroid and protein hormone in their signalling action
B · describing the hormones of the principal endocrine glands; i.e., TSH/thyroxine, ACTH/cortisol glucagon/ insulin, HGH, ADH, epinephrine, norepinephrine, aldosterone
1. describe the target tissue, producing gland, and general effects of the following hormones: ADH, oxytocin, growth hormone,TSH, thyroxin, ACTH, adrenaline, aldosterone, cortisol, calcitonin, parathormone, insulin, glucagon, FSH, LH, estrogen, progesterone, inhibin, prolactin, HCG.
· explaining how the endocrine system allows human organisms to sense their internal environment and respond appropriately; e.g., sugar metabolism
1.define negative feedback and draw a standard feedback loop
2. draw and explain the negative feedback loop for the regulation of metabolism, blood sugar regulation, and water regulation.
1. contrast the source (organs involved), mode of transmission (type of signal), pathway, duration of effect, and reaction time of the nervous system and endocrine system
2. outline how the adrenal gland and autonomic nervous system react in times of stress
3. explain the general adaptation syndrome
E · describing, using an example, the physiological consequences of hormone imbalances.
1. Humans and other organisms have complex reproductive systems that ensure the survival of the species.
· human organisms have evolved a specialized series of ducts and tubes to facilitate the union of an egg and sperm, by:
A · describing hormonal and chromosomal factors and explaining the physiological events resulting in the formation of the primary (gonads) and secondary (associated structures) reproductive organs in the female and male fetus
1. identify primary and secondary reproductive organs/characteristics is males and females
2. describe the hormones and chromosomal factors that influence development in the fetus
3. identify the chromosome composition of the zygote that determines the gonad development in the fetus
B · identifying the structures and describing their functions in female (e.g., ovaries, fallopian tubes ,
uterus, cervix, vagina) and male (e.g., testes, epididymus, vas deferens, seminal vessicles, prostate gland, penis) reproductive systems
1. identify and describe the function of: testes, seminiferous tubules, interstitial cells, vas deferens, sertoli cells, seminal vesicles, prostate gland, cowper’s gland, urethra, glans, epididymus.
2. identify parts of the sperm cell including function of acrosome and mitochondria
3. describe the composition of semen and its purpose
4. define and explain spermatogenesis, define haploid, diploid, and list number and size of cells produced.
5. identify and describe the function of ovaries, fallopian tube, fimbrae, uterus, endometrium, vagina, clitorris, labia, vulva, hymen.
6. differentiate between the follicle and the ovum
7. define and explain oogenesis (gametogenesis), compare number and size of cells produced with spermatogenesis
8. distinguishing eggs and sperm from their supporting structures, using prepared slides of ovaries and testes.
1. explain the cause, effects, and treatments of chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, syphillis, AIDS
2. Reproductive success of organisms is regulated by chemical control systems.
· the development of sexual anatomy and sexual functioning is influenced by hormones, by:
A · describing the role of hormones in the regulation of primary and secondary sex characteristics in females and males
1. define the primary and secondary sex characteristics in males and females
2. describe the role of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone in development of primary and secondary sex characteristics.
B · identifying the principal reproductive hormones in the female and explaining their interactions in the maintenance and functioning of the female reproductive system; e.g., estrogen, progesterone, LH, FSH, prolactin, oxytocin
1. list the organ producing, function of the following hormones: FSH, LH, (gonadotropins), estrogen, progesterone, oxytocin, prolactin.
2. define menstruation and menopause
3. explain the function of menstruation and menopause in the life cycle
4. list and explain the events in the 3 phases (4 parts) of the menstrual cycle, describing the negative feedback of the female reproductive system
5. describe the use of estrogen, progesterone, and FSH treatments for influencing the normal reproductive cycle
6. analyzing blood hormone data and physiological events of a single menstrual cycle, and inferring the roles of the female sex hormones.
1. list the organ producing, function, and effects of the following male hormones: FSH, LH, (gonadotropins), testosterone, inhibin
3.Cell differentiation and organism development are regulated by a combination of genetic, endocrine, and environmental influences.
· events following conception are governed by a combination of genetic, endocrine and environmental influences, by extending from Biology 20, Unit 4, the human organism as a system, and by:
A · tracing the processes of fertilization, implantation, extraembryonic membrane formation (e.g., amnion, chorion, yolk sac, placenta), embryo development, parturition and lactation, and the control mechanisms of those events; e.g., progesterone, LH, chorionic gonadotropin, oxytocin, prolactin
1. define fertilization, zygote, embryo, fetus, implantation, extraembryonic membrane, amnion, chorion, yolk sac, placenta, umbilical cord.
2.list the three germ layers and what systems develop from each
3.describe the origin of the germ layers from the blastocyst
4. explain the significance of the endometrium and the formation of the placenta
5. explain how hormones secreted by the pituitary (FSH, LH, prolactin, oxytocin), ovary (estrogen, progesterone), and placenta (HCG, estrogen, progesterone, relaxin) regulate the development of the endometrium and placenta
6. Describe how parturition is initiated by changes in hormone levels and uterine changes
7. describe the structure of the mammary gland
8. explain how hormones and physical stimulation interact to initiate lactation
B · describing fetal development from implantation to full term in the context of the main physiological events that occur in the development of organ systems during each major stage (trimester) and the influence of environmental factors on the development of these systems; e.g., alcohol, drugs, pathogens
1. summarize the physical development that occurs in each trimester of fetal development
2. list environmental agents (teratogens) that can influence development
3. observing the stages of embryo development and identifying the principal structures.
1. summarize birth control technologies
1. Cells divide to increase in number but must reduce their chromosome number before combining at fertilization.
· chromosomes are duplicated before cells divide; that daughter cells get one complete set of chromosomes; that chromosome number must be reduced before fertilization; and that variations in the combination of genes on a chromosome can occur during that reduction, by recalling from Science 10, Unit 2, that growth may involve increasing cell number, and by:
A · explaining, in general, the events of the cell cycle, including cytokinesis, and chromosomal behaviour in mitosis and meiosis
1. list the parts of the cell cycle and describe the events that occur in each
2. define chromosome, chromatin, chromatid, DNA, centromere
3. list and describe the stages that occur in mitosis
4. list factors that initiate, control, or inhibit mitosis
B · describing the processes of spermatogenesis and oogenesis and the necessity for chromosomal number reduction in meiosis
1. illustrate and describe the process of crossing over and evaluate its effect on the genetic makeup of an organism
2. describe how nondisjuction results in trisomy or monosomy
3. explain Down’s syndrome, Turner’ syndrome, and Klienfelter’s syndrome
4. identify, build, and interpret normal and abnormal human karyotypes
1. compare the number and type of chromosomes in haploid gametes to those in diploid cells
2. compare where, when, and why mitosis and meiosis occur in organisms
3. compare the number and type of cells produced during mitosis and meiosis
E · comparing the formation of fraternal and identical offspring in a single birthing event
1. compare reproductive tactics such as budding, binary fission, spore production, self-fertilization, cross fertilization, and seed production
2. explain gametophyte, sporophyte, and alternation of generations
3. distinguish between asexual and sexual reproduction.
2. Genetic characters are handed down by simple rules.
· chromosomes consist of a sequence of genes and their alleles, and that during meiosis and fertilization these genes become combined in new sequences, by extending from Biology 30, Unit 2, fertilization and development in the human organism, and by:
A · describing the evidence for the segregation of genes and the independent assortment of genes on different chromosomes, as investigated by Mendel
1. distinguish hereditary characteristics from acquired characteristics.
2. describe the composition and organization of a chromosome.
3. explain genotype, phenotype, homozygous dominant, heterozygous, and homozygous recessive
4. explain how genotype influences phenotype
5. translate phenotypes to appropriate genotype symbols, and vice versa
6. illustrate and interpret results of monohybrid and dihybrid crosses using Punnett squares (provide genotype and phenotype ratios or numbers or percentages of offspring)
7. interpolate the genotypes or phenotypes of parents by observing genotype and phenotype ratios of offspring.
8. list and explain the four principles (laws) of Mendelian genetics; illustrate using Punnett squares.
9. summarize the chromosomal theory of inheritance
10. determine and illustrate the relationships between alleles by performing crosses and/or observing phenotype and genotype ratios of these crosses (dominant-recessive, co-dominant, incomplete dominant, lethal, sex-linked, sex-influenced, multiple alleles)
11. apply the rule of independent events and the product rule to crosses.
B · explaining the influence of crossing over on the assortment of genes on the same chromosome; e.g., gene linkage
1 Describe linked genes
2 explain the effect of crossing over on phenotype ratios in a population.
3 interpret recombination frequencies and construct simple gene maps using recombination frequencies.
1 distinquish a sex chromosome from an autosome
3. Classical genetics can be explained at a molecular level.
· genetic information in chromosomes is translated into protein structure; that the information may be manipulated; and that the manipulated information may be used to transform cells, by:
A · summarizing the historical events that led to the discovery of the structure of the DNA molecule, as described by Watson and Crick
1. describe the contributions of Watson and Crick.
B · describing, in general, how genetic information is contained in the sequence of bases in DNA molecules in chromosomes; how the DNA molecules replicate themselves; how the information is transcribed into sequences of bases in RNA molecules and is finally translated into sequences of amino acids in proteins
E · explaining how a random change (mutation) in the sequence of bases provides a source of genetic variability
1. Communities are made up of populations that consist of pools of genes from the individuals of a species.
· populations can be defined in terms of their gene pools, by extending from Biology 20, Unit 3, the nature of variation and adaptation in populations, and by:
A · describing the Hardy–Weinberg principle and explaining its importance to population gene pool stability and the significance of nonequilibrium values; e.g., evolution of a population
B · describing the conditions that cause the gene pool diversity to change; e.g., random genetic drift, gene migration, differential reproduction
2. Individuals of populations interact with each other and members of other populations.
· interactions occur among members of the same population of a species as well as among members of populations of different species, by:
A · describing the basis of symbiotic relationships, i.e., commensalism, mutualism, parasitism, and interspecific and intraspecific competition and their influences on population changes
B · describing the relationships between predator and prey species and their influence on population changes; and explaining the role of defence mechanisms in predation; e.g., mimicry, protective colouration
3. Population change over time can be expressed in quantitative terms.
· populations grow in characteristic ways, and that the changes in population growth can be quantified, by extending from Biology 20, Unit 3, variations within populations, and by:
A · describing and explaining, quantitatively, factors that influence population growth; i.e., mortality, natality, immigration, emigration
B · describing the growth of populations in terms of the mathematical relationship among carrying capacity, biotic potential and the number of individuals in the population
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