Learning- a relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience.
CLASSICAL CONDITIONING – learning based on association of stimuli
Ivan Pavlov
Unconditioned stimulus (US)
Unconditioned response (UR)
Conditioned stimulus (CS)
Conditioned response (CR)
Acquisition phase
Delayed conditioning
Simultaneous conditioning
Backward conditioning
Spontaneous recovery
First-order conditioning
Second-order conditioning
Learned taste aversions
Contiguity model – the Pavlovian model, the more times two things are paired, the
greater the learning that will take place
Contingency model- Rescorla – rests of cognitive view of classical conditioning: If A is
contingent on B and vice versa then one predicts the other, learning more powerful.
OPERANT CONDITIONING – kind of learning based on the association of consequences with one’s behavior.
Edward Thorndike
Law of effect
Instrumental learning
B.F. Skinner
Skinner box
Positive reinforcement
Negative reinforcement
Omission training
Escape learning
Avoidance learning
Primary reinforcers
Secondary reinforcers
Premack principle – the reinforcing properties of something depend on the situation
Instinctive drift
Reinforcement schedules differ in two ways:
· What determines when reinforcement is delivered – the number of responses made (ratio) or the passage of time (interval)
· The pattern of reinforcement – either constant (fixed) or changing (variable)
· also known as modeling
· was studied by Albert Bandura in formulating his social-learning theory
· A significant body of research indicates that children learn violent behaviors from watching violent television programs and violent adult models
Latent learning
· studied by Edward Tolman
· is hidden learning
· experiment with maze running rats, ones that didn’t initially get a reward didn’t seem to learn, but when they started being rewarded their performance changed drastically
Abstract learning
· involves understanding concepts such as tree or same
· Skinner box pigeons picking out certain shapes
Insight learning
· Wolfgang Kohler did studies with chimpanzees
· Insight learning occurs when one suddenly realizes how to solve a problem
· Chimps using boxes to reach banana
What Is Learning?
*Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience. Learning resulting from conditioning depends on reinforcement. Reinforcement increases the probability that a particular response will occur.
How does classical conditioning occur?
Does Conditioning affect emotions?
How does operant conditioning occur?
Are there different kinds of operant reinforcement?
How are we influenced by patterns of reward?
What does punishment do to behavior?
What is cognitive learning?
Does learning occur by imitation?
How does conditioning apply to practical problems?
How does biology influence learning?
Many responses are subject to instinctive drift in operant conditioning. Human learning is subtly influenced by many such biological potentials and limits
Learning Quiz – Conditioning/Learning
1. Just before something scary happens in a horror film, they often play scary sounding music. When I hear the music, I tense up in anticipation of the scary event. In this situation, the music serves as a
2. Try as you might, you are unable to teach your dog to do a somersault. He will roll around on the ground, but he refuses to execute the gymnastic move you desire because of
3. Which of the following is an example of a generalized reinforcer?
4. In teaching your cat to jump through a hoop, which reinforcement schedule would facilitate the most rapid learning?
5. The classical conditioning training procedure in which the US is presented first is known as
6. Tina likes to play with slugs, but she can find them by the shed only after it rains. On what kind of reinforcement schedule is Tina’s slug hunting?
7. Just before the doors of the elevator close, Lola, a coworker you despise, enters the elevator. You immediately leave, mumbling about having forgotten something. Exiting the elevator is an example of
8. Which researcher studied latent learning?
9. Many psychologists believe that children of parents who beat them are likely to beat their own children. One possible explanation for this phenomenon is
10. When Tito was young, his parents decided to give him a quarter every day he made his bed. Tito started to make his siblings’ beds also and help with other chores. Behaviorists would say that Tito was experiencing
11. A rat evidencing abstract learning might learn
12. With which statement would B.F. Skinner most likely agree?
13. Before his parents will read him a bedtime story, Charley has to brush his teeth, put on his pajamas, kiss his grandmother goodnight, and put away his toys. This example illustrates
14. Which of the following is an example of positive reinforcement?
15. Lily keeps poking Jared in Mr. Clayton’s third-grade class. Mr. Clayton tells Jared to ignore Lily. Mr. Clayton is hoping that ignoring Lily’s behavior will
Source: http://www.course-notes.org/sites/www.course-notes.org/files/past/Chapter%208%20-%20Learning.doc
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