Dolby Digital
Dolby Digital Dolby Digital is an encoding scheme invented by Dolby Laboratories as a way of compressing digital audio so that it uses a lot less data space. It is also known as AC-3. Originally developed as an audio compression system for US digital television, it achieved prominence by allowing multiple channel sound tracks to fit onto standard 35mm cinema film prints (in between the sprocket holes on the film!), it has become the de facto standard for DVD. The compression system uses perceptual encoding, similar to DTS, MPEG audio (including MP3) and Sony's SDDS and ATRAC. It can carry up to 5.1 channels of sound, but does not necessarily have that many. Dolby Digital 2.0 (that is, stereo) can be encoded with Dolby Pro Logic surround sound. The Dolby Digital bitstream can also carry codes (metadata) to control playback parameters in the Dolby Digital decoder. Dolby Digital apparently supports bit rates of up to 640kb/s, but on 5.1 (or higher) channel DVDs the bit rates actually used at 384kb/s and 448kb/s. (Note, the 'k' here stands for 1,000, not 1,024). Dolby Digital bitstreams also include metadata for controlling the operation of the decoder.
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