Common Fund for Commodities

Common Fund for Commodities



Common Fund for Commodities


Meaning of Common Fund for Commodities

Common Fund for Commodities: usually known as the Common Fund. It was originally proposed at UNCTAD IV in 1976 as the financing mechanism for the Integrated Programme for Commodities. Negotiations on its structure were completed in 1980. It entered into force in 1989 and now has 105 members. The Common Fund has three main functions. The first is aimed at supporting the financing through the First Account of buffer stock operations and internationally coordinated national stocks. This function is not yet active. The second is aimed at financing of research and development in the commodities area, productivity improvements and the promotion of consumption through the Second Account. Its third function is to promote coordination and consultation in the field of commodities other than stocking and their financing. Funding is available for projects identified by international commodity bodies. Projects supported by the Common Fund are usually commodity-oriented rather than country-specific. Its secretariat is located in Amsterdam. See also commodity policy, international commodity agreements and UNCTAD.



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Author of the text: W. Goode

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Common Fund for Commodities


Common Fund for Commodities


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Common Fund for Commodities



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Common Fund for Commodities