Environmental goods and services
Environmental goods and services: many definitions of this sector are available. A representative one is that produced jointly by the OECD and Eurostat in 1999. It divides the environmental industry into three sectors: products, systems and services for pollution management, cleaner technologies and products, and resources management. Each of these is divided further as follows: (a) pollution mangement includes air pollution control, wastewater treatment, waste management, remediation and clean- up of contaminated land and water, noise and vibration control, environmental analysis and assessment, environmental research and development, general administration (public sector) and environmental management (private sector), (b) cleaner technologies and products which includes cleaner/resource-efficient technologies and processes and cleaner/resource-efficient products, and (c) resources management which includes potable water treatment and distribution, recycled materials, renewable energy plant and nature protection.
Source: http://ctrc.sice.oas.org/trc/WTO/Documents/Dictionary%20of%20trade%20%20policy%20terms.pdf
Web site to visit: http://ctrc.sice.oas.org
Author of the text: W. Goode
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