NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement. Entered into force on 1 January 1994. Its members are Canada, United States and Mexico. The agreement is long and complex. Only a basic introduction to its structure can be given here. NAFTA’s objectives, as set out in Chapter 1, are to eliminate barriers to trade in goods and services, promote fair competition, adequate and effective protection of intellectual property rights, effective procedures for settlement of disputes and to provide a framework for further trilateral, regional and multilateral cooperation. Chapter 2 contains definitions. Chapter 3 provides for national treatment of goods. Most tariffs will be phased out over ten years. Anti-dumping rules are also part of this chapter. Chapter 4 sets out the rules of origin. These are, as in other free-trade arrangements, fairly complex. Common customs procedures are listed in Chapter 5. Energy and trade in basic petrochemicals, dealt with in Chapter 6, are to be liberalized. Chapter 7 contains the rules for agriculture and sanitary and phytosanitary measures. Chapters 8, 9 and 10, respectively, set out the safeguards, technical barriers to trade and government procurement provisions. NAFTA Chapter 11 is the investment chapter. National treatment and most-favoured-nation treatment apply to investment. This chapter also outlines the concept of a minimum standard of treatment. Chapter 12 concerns cross-border trade in services. All modes of services delivery are covered. This followed by more specific rules for telecommunications and financial services in Chapters 13 and 14, respectively. Chapter 15 covers competition policy, monopolies and state enterprises. Chapter 16 deals with the temporary entry of business persons. Intellectual property provisions are contained in Chapter 17. Chapter 18 deals with the publication, notification and administration of laws, i.e. transparency. Chapters 19 and 20 deal, respectively, with review and dispute settlement in antidumping and countervailing duty matters, and institutional arrangements and dispute settlement procedures. Chapter 21 covers exceptions. It has provisions on general exceptions, national security, taxation, balance of payments, disclosure of information and cultural industries. Chapter 22 covers matters such as entry into force, amendments and withdrawals. Side agreements have been concluded in the form of the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation and the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation. Some agricultural matters have also been dealt with in separate agreements. A Cabinet-level
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Author of the text: W. Goode
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