National interest
National interest: a term describing a range of criteria, not always described exactly or even listed in writing, whose fulfilment is considered basic to the welfare of the state. Interest or lobby groups often equate the national interest with their own aims. In a strict sense, only national governments have the competence to judge and invoke the national interest by virtue of the responsibilities assigned to them by the constitution and the laws flowing from it. Some parliamentary acts contain national-interest provisions enabling governments to adopt courses of action which sometimes are ostensibly at variance with the precepts laid down in these acts. There are cases when the use of this discretionary power leads to vigorous debate about their appropriateness, especially when the specific criteria triggering the national-interest clause are not spelt out. Nevertheless, there is widespread agreement that the administration of some sectors of government requires the flexibility offered by national- interest provisions. See also Exon-Florio amendment, foreign investment screening, general exceptions, rule of reason and security exceptions.
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Author of the text: W. Goode
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