Meaning of cost estimating process
The process of developing a Cost Estimate can be divided into the following basic steps: (a) Step 1, Define and plan the work to be done in as much detail as possible. This step includes determining the purpose, scope, and time Constraints for the Estimate, establishing an Estimating team, and analyzing the details of the work to be done, and the kinds and quantities of materials, parts, and equipment required. (b) Step 2, Identify the Cost Elements or Cost generating Functional Areas (i.e., Engineering, manufacturing, procurement, etc.) which will be required to do the work defined in Step 1. (c) Step 3, Schedule by time the work and effort defined and identified in Steps 1 and 2. (d) Step 4, Select appropriate Cost Estimating Methodologies for each cost Element, and estimate the man hours, material costs, and other cost generating variables, as well as the elapsed time required to perform each detail of the work. (e) Step 5, Estimate the costing rates and Factors for the work to be done. (f) Step 6, Apply the costing rates and factors to the individual cost elements to establish total costs. (g) Step 7, Evaluate the costs estimated so far. This step includes the application of alternative, secondary methodologies to Cost Drivers, preparation of an independent cost estimate, if desired, making any adjustments to the estimate that are required, or requested resulting from the review and Analysis, and the application of desired profit and other Cost Factors and prorations or additions, to establish the final cost estimate. (h) Step 8, Present the estimate to management for submittal to the customer. (i) Step 9, Finish documenting the rationale, methodology, and supporting information utilized for the estimate, and, (j) Step 10, Support source selection, negotiation, Fact-finding, and/or Audits, and update the estimate, as required. Although these steps are numbered sequentially, in reality, the process is iterative, and individual steps often occur out of sequence or repeatedly throughout the estimating process. For instance, for an estimate to be useful and realistic, the estimator must involve and apprise management throughout the process, and not wait to present the estimate as a complete, final package.
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