Glossary of driver terms meanings

Glossary of driver terms meanings


Acceleration lane meaning Adverse Conditions meaning Advisory Speed Limit meaning Aggressive Driving meaning Aim High meaning Air Gauge (Tire Gauge) meaning Air Quality Alert Day meaning Alignment meaning Alternator meaning Anti-Lock Braking System meaning Balancing meaning Basic Speed Law meaning Battery meaning Blind Spot meaning Blood-Alcohol Concentration (BAC) meaning Blue Book meaning Braking distance meaning Carbon Monoxide meaning Catalytic converter meaning Center of Gravity meaning Central Vision meaning Collision meaning Collision Insurance meaning Common Speed meaning Comprehensive Insurance meaning Compromise (Space Cushion) meaning Controlled Intersection meaning Covering the Brake meaning Cross buck meaning DE-964 meaning Deceleration Lane meaning Defensive Driving meaning Depth Perception meaning Dipstick meaning Disc Brake meaning Driver Inattention meaning Driver Responsibility meaning Driving as a Privilege meaning Driving at the Common Speed meaning Driving Conditions meaning Driving task meaning Drum Brake meaning DUI meaning DWI meaning Engine Failure meaning Emergency meaning Emotion meaning Engine Starting Procedures meaning Entrance Ramp meaning Evasive action steering meaning Fatigue meaning Feet Per Second a Vehicle Travels meaning Field of Vision meaning Financial responsibility law meaning Flash Flood meaning Flashing Yellow Light meaning Flashing Red Light meaning Flashing Signal meaning Following Distance (Interval) meaning Force of Impact meaning Freeway meaning Friction meaning Gap meaning Glare meaning Glare Recovery Time meaning Glare Resistance meaning Good Driving meaning Good Samaritan Law meaning Graduated Licensing meaning Green Light meaning Guide Sign meaning Gravity meaning Head Check meaning Hand-Over-Hand Steering meaning Hand Position meaning Highway Hypnosis meaning Highway Transportation System meaning Hydroplaning meaning Implied Consent meaning Information Sign meaning Insurance meaning Insurance Responsibility Act meaning Intersection meaning Intoxication meaning Intoxilyzer meaning IPDE Process meaning Jack meaning Joining traffic meaning Judgment/Reasoning meaning Lane Change meaning Lateral Maneuver meaning Liability Insurance meaning Line of Sight (LOS) meaning Litter meaning Loading Considerations meaning Low Water Crossing meaning Maintenance Checks meaning Median meaning Merging Area meaning Minimize a Hazard meaning Minimum Speed Limit meaning MIP meaning Mirrors meaning Moving Vehicle meaning Moving Forward meaning MPG meaning Night Driving meaning Night Time meaning No-Zones meaning Nystagmus meaning Obligations of a Driver meaning Orderly Visual Search Pattern meaning Other Roadway Users meaning Overdriving headlights meaning Oversteer meaning Overtaking meaning Owner’s Manual meaning Parallel parking meaning Path of Travel meaning Pavement Marking meaning Pedestrian meaning Peer pressure meaning Peripheral Vision meaning Point of No Return meaning Possession meaning Protected Left Turn meaning P.S.I. meaning Push-Pull-Slide meaning Radiator meaning Reaction distance meaning Reaction Time meaning Reckless Driving meaning Red Traffic Light meaning Regulatory Sign meaning Responsibility of a Driver meaning Right-of-way meaning Right-turn-on-red meaning Risk meaning Risk Reduction meaning Risk Reduction Techniques meaning Risk-Taking meaning Road Rage meaning Roadway meaning Roadway Marking meaning Roadway Users meaning Searching meaning Seating Position meaning Separate meaning Signaling meaning Skid meaning Slow Moving Vehicle meaning Slow Moving Vehicle Emblem meaning Smith System meaning Space Cushion Driving meaning Space Management System meaning Speed meaning Speed Limits meaning Stale Green Light meaning Stopping Distance (Position) meaning Stop Sign meaning Surface Street meaning Synergistic Effect meaning Tailgate meaning Target meaning Threshold braking meaning Tire Footprint meaning Tire Rotation meaning Total stopping distance meaning Traction meaning Traffic meaning Traffic Control Devices meaning Traffic Flow meaning Traffic Laws meaning Traffic Sign Shapes meaning Traffic Signal meaning Transmission meaning Tunnel Vision meaning Turnabout meaning Uncontrolled Intersection meaning Understeer meaning Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Insurance meaning Unleaded Gas meaning Unpaved Road meaning Unprotected Left Turn meaning Urban District meaning Vehicle meaning Vehicle maintenance meaning Velocitation Effect meaning Visual Lead Distance meaning Visual Search meaning Warning Sign meaning Weather Conditions meaning Wolf Pack meaning Yaw meaning Yellow Light meaning Yield meaning Yield Sign meaning Zero-tolerance law meaning 


Glossary of driver terms meanings


Glossary of driver terms meanings


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Glossary of driver terms meanings