Floriston Rates California and Nevada Currently represents the primary operational criteria of the Truckee River between its source (Lake Tahoe) and its terminus (Pyramid Lake). The rates originated in a 1915 decree (Truckee River General Electric Decree) in which the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) gained an easement to operate the Lake Tahoe outlet dam in return for providing year-round flow rates for run-of-the-river users hydropower and a pulp and paper mill. Along with the Orr Ditch Decree (1944) and the Truckee River Agreement (1935), which has been incorporated into the Orr Ditch Decree, these requirements govern the Truckee River flows. The Floriston rates essentially constitute a minimum instream flow in the river, as long as water is physically available in Lake Tahoe and Boca Reservoir to support the rates. Water may only be stored in Lake Tahoe and Boca Reservoir when rates are being met. The precise definition contained in the Truckee River Agreement is as follows: 1 Floriston Rates means the rate of flow in the Truckee River at the head of the diversion penstock at Floriston, California (to be measured at the Iceland gage, but currently measured at the Farad gage) consisting of an average flow of 500 cubic feet of water per second each day during the period commencing March 1 and ending September 30 of any year, and an average flow of 400 cubic feet per second each day during the period commencing October 1 and ending the last day of the next following February of any year. 2 Reduced Floriston Rates means rates of flow in the Truckee River, measured at the Iceland gage (currently the Farad gage), effective and in force during the period commencing November 1 and ending the next following March 31 of each year, determined as follows: (a) 350 cubic feet per second whenever the elevation of the water surface of Lake Tahoe is below 6226.0 feet above sea level and not below 6225.25 feet above sea level, and (b) 300 cubic feet per second whenever the water surface elevation of Lake Tahoe is below 6225.25 feet above sea level. Also see Truckee River Agreement Nevada and California.
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Author of the Water Words Dictionary source of text: Gary A. Horton
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