Testing is an important fact of life that helps us to determine how well we have learned information, a skill, or our trade. Also, tests often help us to determine what opportunities will be available to us in the future.
Testing is a part of fire and emergency services education programs, particularly programs involving a certification. As you progress through your fire service experience, you will encounter testing in many aspects of your education and training. Often, individual departments use testing to measure an individual’s progress, particularly in their first year in the department. Even seasoned firefighters may encounter tests as they expand their certifications and training, or if they are involved in a promotional process.
Many firefighters are afraid of tests and testing processes, and often claim they are more “street smart” than “book smart.” Tests are measures of progress, and should not be looked upon with fear or anxiousness. This article serves to provide firefighters with some tips on studying effectively, preparing for tests, and facing the testing process with confidence.
In spite of the widespread use of tests, most firefighters are not very test-wise. An ability to take tests and score well is a skill that must be acquired. Without this knowledge, the most intelligent and prepared technician may not do well on a test. There are a few basic principles that should be followed before taking any test.
Before the Test
Do not arrive late. Always arrive well before your test is scheduled to begin. Allow ample time for the unexpected, such as traffic problems, so you will arrive on time and avoid the unnecessary anxiety of being late.
Always be certain to have the appropriate equipment and supplies with you for test day. Most training centers and fire departments will provide firefighters with the test-taking supplies that are necessary, such as pencils and plain paper. Be aware of what you might be required to provide as stated in course documents. Many fire service tests have a skill component, which is likely to require personal protective equipment. Do your best to ensure that supplies and equipment needed are ready for use well ahead of test-day. Frantically scrambling for a helmet or a self-contained breathing apparatus on the morning of a test can greatly increase test anxiety!
Do not listen to pretest chatter. When you arrive early, you may hear other firefighters quizzing each other on various topics or making their best guess as to the probable test questions. At this time, it is too late to add to your knowledge. Also these discussions may confuse you. If you find it bothersome, take a walk outside the test room to relax and loosen up.
Read and listen to all instructions. Make certain that you know what is expected of you. Listen carefully to verbal instructions and pay particular attention to any written instructions on the test paper. Do not dive into answering questions only to find out that you have answered the wrong question by not following instructions carefully. It is difficult to make a high score on a test if you answer the wrong questions or mark your answers incorrectly.
Objective Tests
Fire service tests are quite often objective tests. A test is called an objective test if the same standards and conditions apply to everyone taking the test and there is only one correct answer to each question. Objective tests primarily measure your ability to recall information. A well - designed objective test can also test your ability to understand, analyze, interpret, and apply your knowledge. Objective tests include true - false, multiple choice, fill in the blank, and matching questions.
Objective questions, not generally encountered in a classroom setting, are frequently used in standardized examinations. Objective tests are easy to grade and also reduce the amount of paperwork necessary to administer. The objective tests are used in entry - level programs or when very large numbers are being tested.
Taking an Objective Test
The principles of taking an objective test are somewhat different from those used in other types of tests. You should first quickly look over the test to determine the number of questions, but do not try to read through all of the questions. Read through each question before marking your answer. Answer the questions in the order they appear on the test. Leave the questions blank that you are not sure of and move on to the next question. You can return to those unanswered questions after you have finished the others. They may be easier to answer at a later time after your mind has had additional time to consider them on a subconscious level. In addition, you might find information in other questions that will help you to answer some of them.
If possible, find a way to remind yourself of the questions you passed over to answer later. This helps firefighters keep the questions and answers appropriately matched up on a test that uses a separate answer sheet. The mark could be a light pencil mark next to the skipped questions, or circling the question number. Firefighters must pay careful attention to the instructions at the beginning of the test to know what best ways to mark skipped questions. In some cases, extraneous pencil marks on an answer sheet could be forbidden, or marking on the test itself might be prohibited. If no extra markings are allowed on the answer sheet or the test, the firefighter might consider writing the question numbers down on a piece of scratch paper and check them off after returning to the question later. The last thing a firefighter wants to do on an objective test is forget to answer questions!
As you go through the test, do not be obsessed by the apparent pattern of responses. For example, do not be influenced by a pattern like d, c, b, a, d, c, b, a. Many tests are generated by computers that randomly place questions and answers in order. Focus on the questions and the answers, not a cryptic pattern of letters on your answer sheet!
There is also a lot of folk wisdom about taking objective tests. For example, there are those who would advise you to avoid response options that use certain words such as all, none, always, never, must, and only, to name a few. This, they claim, is because nothing in life is exclusive. They would advise you to choose response options that use words that allow for some exception, such as sometimes, frequently, rarely, often, usually, seldom, and normally. They would also advise you to avoid the first and last option (A and D) because test writers, they feel, are more comfortable if they put the correct answer in the middle (B and C) of the choices. Another recommendation often offered is to select the option that is either shorter or longer than the other three choices because it is more likely to be correct. Some would advise you to never change an answer since your first intuition is usually correct.
Although there may be a grain of truth in this folk wisdom, most test writers try to avoid them and so should you. As stated before, the prevalence of computers to generate tests and answers creates a very random process, without much human thought to how many “A” answers there are in a row.
There are some special principles to observe on multiple-choice tests. These tests are sometimes challenging because there are often several choices that may seem possible, and it may be difficult to decide on the correct choice. The best strategy is to first determine the correct answer before looking at the options. If you see the answer you decided on, you should still examine the options to make sure that none seem more correct than yours. If you do not know or are not sure of the answer, read each option very carefully and try to eliminate those options that you know to be wrong. That way, you can often arrive at the correct choice through a process of elimination.
If you have gone through all of the test and you still do not know the answer to some of the questions, then guess. Yes, guess. On a multiple-choice test with four answer options, a common type of fire service test, a guess at an answer will give you at least a 25 percent chance of being correct. If you leave the question blank, you have no chance. And true/false questions increase your guessing odds to 50 percent! Never leave questions unanswered if at all possible!
During the Test
Mark your answers or sheet clearly and accurately. One of the biggest problems an adult faces in test-taking, it seems, is in placing an answer in the correct spot on an answer sheet. Make certain that you mark your answer for, say, question 21, in the space on the answer sheet designated for the answer for question 21. A correct response marked incorrectly on the answer sheet will probably be wrong. Remember, the answer sheet is machine scored and can only "read" what you have marked in. Also, do not mark two answers for the same question. For example, if you feel the answer to a particular question is A but think it may be C, do not mark both choices. Even if either A or C is correct, a double answer will score as an incorrect answer. It's better to take a chance with your best guess.
Review Your Answers
If you finish answering all of the questions on a test ahead of time, go back and review the answers of those questions that you were not sure of. You can often catch careless errors by using the remaining time to review your answers. This is also the time to check any questions you might have skipped on the first pass-through to return and answer later. Make sure all these questions received an answer before you turn in your test.
Don't Be Distracted
At practically every test, some firefighters will invariably finish ahead of time and turn their tests in long before the final call. Do not let them distract or intimidate you. Either they knew too little and could not finish the test, or they were very self-confident and thought they knew it all. Perhaps they were trying to impress the instructors or other firefighters about how much they know. Often you may hear them later talking about the information they knew all the while but forgot to respond on their answer sheet.
Use Your Time Wisely
It is not wise to use less than the total amount of time that you are allotted for a test. If there are any doubts, take the time for review. Any product can usually be made better with some additional effort. A test is no exception. It is not necessary to turn in your test paper until you are told to do so.
Don't Cheat
Some firefighters may try to use notes during a test. Others may attempt to read answers from another test-taker’s paper. If you do that, you are unquestionably assuming that someone else has a correct answer. You probably know as much, maybe more, than anyone else in the test room. Trust yourself. If you're still not convinced, think of the consequences of being caught. Cheating is foolish. If you are caught, you have failed the test.
In some fire departments, cheating on tests can get you removed from your class, eliminated from a certification process, or even kicked out of your department! It is just not worth the risk!
You should begin a test with a completely open mind. At times, however, you may have to move out of your normal way of thinking and be creative to arrive at a correct answer. If you have diligently studied for at least one week prior to the test, you have bombarded your mind with a wide assortment of information. Your mind will be working with this information on a subconscious level, exploring the interrelationships among various facts, principles, and ideas. This prior preparation should put you in a creative mood for the test.
In order to reach your full potential, you should begin a test with the proper mental attitude and a high degree of self-confidence. You should think of a test as an opportunity to document how much you know about the various tasks in your chosen profession. If you have been diligently studying the subject matter, you will be able to take your test in serenity because your mind will be well organized. If you are confident, you are more likely to do well because you have the proper mental attitude. If, on the other hand, your confidence is low, you are bound to do poorly. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Perhaps you have heard athletic coaches talk about the importance of confidence when competing in sports. Mental confidence helps an athlete to perform at the highest level and gain an advantage over competitors. Taking a test is much like an athletic event. You are competing against yourself, in a certain sense, because you will be trying to approach perfection in determining your answers. As in any competition, you should aim your sights high and be confident that you can reach your goal.
Anxiety and Fear
Many firefighters experience anxiety and fear at the very thought of taking a test. Many worry, become nervous, and even become ill at test time because of the fear of failure. Many often worry about the criticism and ridicule that may come from their department and fellow firefighters. Some worry about taking a test because they feel that the stakes are very high. Those who spent a great amount of time studying may feel they must get a high grade to justify their efforts. The thought of not doing well can result in unnecessary worry. They become so worried, in fact, that their reasoning and thinking ability is impaired, actually bringing about the problem they wanted to avoid.
The fear of failure should not be confused with the desire for success. It is natural to become "psyched-up" for a test in contemplation of what is to come. A little emotion can provide a healthy flow of adrenaline to peak your senses and hone your mental ability. This improves your performance on the test and is a very different reaction from fear.
Most firefighter’s fears and insecurities experienced before a test are due to a lack of self-confidence. Those who have not scored well on previous tests or have no confidence in their preparation are those most likely to fail. Be confident that you will do well on your test and your fears should vanish. You will know that you have done everything possible to realize your potential.
Getting Rid of Fear
If you have previously experienced fear of taking a test, it may be difficult to change your attitude immediately. It may be easier to cope with fear if you have a better understanding of what the test is about. A test is merely an assessment of how much the technician knows about a particular task area. Tests, then, are much less threatening when thought of in this manner. This does not mean, however, that you should lower your self-esteem simply because you performed poorly on a test.
You can consider the test essentially as a learning device, providing you with valuable information to evaluate your performance and knowledge. Recognize that no one is perfect. All humans make mistakes. The idea, then, is to make mistakes before the test, learn from them, and avoid repeating them on the test. Fortunately, this is not as difficult as it seems. Practical questions in The Workbook to Accompany the Firefighter’s Handbook include the correct answers to consider if you have made mistakes on the practice test. You should learn where you went wrong so you will not repeat them in the test. If you learn from your mistakes, the stage is set for future growth.
If you understood everything presented up until now, you have the knowledge to become a test-wise firefighter, but more is required. To be a test-wise firefighter, you not only have to practice these principles, you have to diligently study in your task area.
The fundamental and vital requirement to make effective study is a genuine and intense desire to achieve. This is more basic than any rule or technique that will be given here. The key requirement, then, is a driving motivation to learn and to achieve.
If you wish to study effectively, first develop a desire to master your studies and sincerely believe that you will master them. Everything else is secondary to such a desire. Picture the satisfaction of success. The attitude of the firefighter may be transformed from merely getting by to an earnest and energetic effort. The best direct stimulus to change may involve nothing more than the deliberate planning of your time. Make the time to study.
Another drive that creates positive study is an interest in the subject studied. As a firefighter you can develop an interest in studying particular subjects if you follow these four rules:
You will find that when you study with eager interest, you will discover it is no longer work. It is pleasure and you will be fascinated in what you study. Studying can be like reading a novel or seeing a movie that overcomes distractions and requires no effort or willpower. You will discover that the positive relationship between interest and effort works both ways.
Study Strategies
Plan out your study sessions: decide what is to be studied and when it is to be studied. If the amount of material you need to study is discouragingly large, break it into two or more parts. Determine exactly what is involved in the first part and learn that. Only then should you proceed to the next part. Stick to a schedule.
Find ways to squeeze studying into your everyday schedule so that you can accomplish your studies during periods of otherwise wasted time. For example, if you are waiting for an appointment, take along some study materials and spend the time reviewing information. Having study materials available during these “down times” can help you include study in your everyday life, making it seem like less of a chore or burden.
If you are currently assigned to a fire station, there is often time between emergency responses and daily tasks that you can study. Use this time wisely. Firefighters and officers are often quite willing to help with your studies. However, be selective about who you study with and how you study. It is best to study with firefighters familiar with the material you will be tested on, particularly instructors and recent participants in the training class. It is important to stick to the material presented in your class, as this is the material you will see on your test. It is too easy to get several different answers to a question from a variety of viewpoints around the station. Have study helpers stick to the textbook and course material. You might have to keep them focused! Firefighters are famous for telling “war stories” to explain a point or concept. While these stories can help you in remembering and learning new concepts, they can easily spiral off-topic and disrupt your effective study habits.
The Urge to Learn
Make clear to yourself the relation of your present knowledge to your study materials. Determine the relevance with regard to your long-range goals and ambitions.
Turn your attention away from real or imagined difficulties as well as other things that you would rather be doing. Some major distractions are thoughts of other duties and of disturbing problems. These distractions can usually be put aside, simply shunted off by listing them in a notebook.
Adopt the most reasonable solution you can find or seek objective help from someone else for personal problems. Personal problems and worry are often causes of ineffective study. Sometimes there are no satisfactory solutions. Some manage to avoid the problems or to meet them without great worry. For those who may wish to find better ways of meeting their personal problems, the following suggestions are offered:
Once you are free of interferences and irritations, it is much easier to stay focused on your studies.
To study effectively, you must concentrate. Your ability to concentrate is governed, to a great extent, by your surroundings as well as your physical condition. When absorbed in study, you must be oblivious to everything else around you. As you learn to concentrate and study, you must also learn to overcome all distractions. There are three kinds of distractions you may face:
The problems associated with study are no small matter. These problems of distractions are generally best dealt with by a process of elimination. A few important rules for eliminating distractions follow.
Get Sufficient Sleep
You must get plenty of rest even if it means dropping certain outside activities. Avoid cutting in on your sleep time; you will be rewarded in the long run. If you experience difficulty going to sleep, do something to take your mind off your work and try to relax before going to bed. Some suggestions that may help include a little reading, a warm bath, a short walk, a conversation with a friend, or writing that overdue letter to a distant relative. If sleeplessness is an ongoing problem, consult a physician. Do not try any of the sleep remedies on the market, particularly if you are on medication, without approval of your physician.
If you still have difficulty studying, a final rule may help. Sit down in a favorable place for studying, open your books, and take out your pencil and paper. In a word, go through the motions.
Arrange Your Area
Arrange your chair and work area. To avoid strain and fatigue, whenever possible, shift your position occasionally. Try to be comfortable; however, avoid being too comfortable. It is nearly impossible to study rigorously when settled back in a large easy chair or reclining leisurely on a sofa.
When studying, it is essential to have a plan of action, a time to work, a time to study, and a time for pleasure. If you schedule your day and adhere to the schedule, you will eliminate most of your efforts and worries. A plan that is followed, then, soon becomes the easy and natural routine of the day. Most technicians find it useful to have a definite place and time to study. A particular table and chair should always be used for study and intellectual work. This place will then come to mean study. To be seated in that particular location at a regular scheduled time will automatically lead you to assume a readiness for study.
Don't Daydream
Daydreaming or mind-wandering is an enemy of effective study. Daydreaming is frequently due to an inadequate understanding of words. Use the Glossary or a dictionary to look up the troublesome word. Another frequent cause of daydreaming is a deficient background in the present subject matter. When this is the problem, go back and review the subject matter to obtain the necessary foundation. Just one hour of concentrated study is equivalent to ten hours with frequent lapses of daydreaming. Be on guard against mind-wandering, and pull yourself back into focus on every occasion.
Study Regularly
A system of regularity in study is believed by many scholars to be the secret of success. The daily time schedule must, however, be determined on an individual basis. You must decide how many hours of each day you can devote to your studies. Few people really are aware of where their leisure time is spent. An accurate account of how your days are presently being spent is an important first step toward creating an effective daily schedule.
Check with your department or supervisor to see if it is possible to set aside time in the crew’s daily schedule for study. The fire department leadership may be able to assist you in incorporating dedicated study periods into the buzz of everyday events.
Keep a Record
Keep a record of what you actually do. Use the knowledge you gain by keeping a record of what you are actually doing so you can create or modify a schedule for the following week. Be sure to give yourself credit for movement toward your goals and objectives. If you find that you can not study productively at a particular hour, modify your schedule so as to correct that problem.
Most firefighting and emergency service tests, particularly state certification tests, are based on the material presented in the class and in the associated textbooks or materials. They are not meant to trick students or prohibit large numbers of student from passing. The odds are not stacked against you! Take the time to consider all the information presented in this article, and apply those concepts that work for you in your studies. Best of luck to you in your pursuit of fire service knowledge, and of course, good luck on your test!
Source: http://www.delmarlearning.com/companions/content/1401835759/student/study_tips.doc
Web site to visit: http://www.delmarlearning.com
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