Glossary of New Products Management terms meanings

Glossary of New Products Management terms meanings


Abandonment meaning Accelerated product development meaning Acquisition meaning Activity based accounting meaning Adaptive product meaning Adopter categories meaning Adoption of innovation meaning Alpha test meaning Analytic hierarchy process (ahp) meaning Analytical attribute approach meaning Announcement meaning Applications engineering meaning Ar perceptual map meaning A-t-a-r (awareness-trial-availability-repeat) meaning Attribute analysis meaning Augmented product meaning Availabilitystocked (called share of meaning Awareness meaning Balanced matrix meaning Basic market description meaning Bass model meaning Beachhead meaning Benchmarking meaning Benefit meaning Benefit segmentation meaning Best practices meaning Beta test meaning Blind test meaning Bottom-up strategic approach meaning Brainstorming meaning Brand meaning Brand equity meaning Brand extension meaning Brand generic meaning Brand image meaning Brand name meaning Brand personality meaning Brand positioning meaning Branding, family meaning Branding, individual meaning Bubble diagram meaning Business analysis meaning Checklist meaning Cluster analysis meaning Co-location meaning Commercialization meaning Commercialized concept statement meaning Component testing meaning Comprehensive prototype meaning Concept meaning Concept generation meaning Concept statement meaning Concept statement commercialized meaning Concept testing and development meaning Concurrent engineering meaning Conjoint analysis meaning Contingency plan meaning Control meaning Controlled sale meaning Copy strategy statement meaning Core product meaning Coupling meaning Creative stimuli meaning Critical path scheduling meaning Cross-functional meaning Cumulative cost curve meaning Customer service meaning Customer migration meaning Cycle time meaning Data cube meaning Decay curve meaning Decline stage of the product life cycle meaning Deliverability meaning Demand-pulled innovation meaning Design meaning Design for assembly (dfa) meaning Design for manufacturability (dfm) meaning Determinant attribute meaning Determinant gap map meaning Diagnostic information meaning Diffusion of innovation meaning Digital co-location meaning Dimensional analysis meaning Direct marketing meaning Disciplines panel meaning Diversification meaning Dpi meaning Dual drive meaning Early adopters meaning Early majority meaning Electronic brainstorming meaning Empowerment meaning Emulative product meaning Engineering design meaning Entry evaluation meaning Evaluation meaning Evolving product meaning Expected effects matrix meaning Express warranty meaning Facilitator meaning Factor analysis meaning Failure rate meaning Family brand meaning Family packaging meaning Feature meaning Field testing meaning First to market meaning First to mindshare meaning Flagship brand meaning Focus group meaning Focused prototype meaning Forced relationships meaning Franchise extension meaning Full sale meaning Full screen meaning Functional matrix meaning Fuzzy front end meaning Gamma test meaning Gap analysis meaning Generic brands meaning Generic terms, as brand names meaning Globally dispersed teams (gdt) meaning Goods meaning Group creativity meaning Group support systems (gss) meaning Groupware meaning Growth stage of product life cycle meaning Guideline decisions meaning Heuristic meaning Home run meaning House of quality meaning Hurdle rate meaning Idea generation meaning Ideal brand meaning Ideal vector meaning Identity disclosure meaning Imitative innovation meaning Implied warranty meaning Importance ratings meaning Incremental innovation meaning Individual brand meaning Industrial design meaning Informal selling meaning Information acceleration meaning Information technology meaning Initial reaction meaning Innovation meaning Innovativeness meaning Innovators meaning Interface meaning Intrapreneurship meaning Introductory stage of product life cycle meaning Invention meaning Inventive creativity meaning Itemized response meaning Joint space map meaning Kaizen meaning Laggards meaning Late majority meaning Lateral search meaning Launch meaning Launch control meaning Launch cycle meaning Lead user meaning Learning requirements meaning Leveraged creativity meaning Licensing meaning Line extension meaning Manufacturability meaning Manufacturing design meaning Market acceptance testing meaning Market development meaning Market-driven meaning Market rollout meaning Market testing meaning Mass customization meaning Matrix organization meaning Maturity stage of product life cycle meaning Metric meaning Micromarket meaning Minimarket test meaning Mission statement meaning Mode of reaction meaning Monadic test meaning Morphological analysis meaning Multidimensional scaling (mds) meaning Multifunctional meaning Negligence meaning Network meaning New product meaning New product development meaning New product failure meaning New product strategy meaning New products management meaning New products manager meaning New products process meaning Nonauthority meaning Operations meaning Organization learning meaning Organizational structure options meaning Os perceptual map meaning Ownership meaning Package meaning Paired-comparison meaning Parallel development meaning Partnering meaning Patent meaning Payback meaning Perceptual gap meaning Phased review meaning Pic meaning Pilot plant meaning Pioneering innovativeness meaning Pioneering stage meaning Pipeline rationalization meaning Platform meaning Portfolio meaning Positioning meaning Post-mortem meaning Precedence meaning Preference map meaning Preference regression meaning Prelaunch meaning Preliminary market analysis meaning Premarket testing meaning Prescreening meaning Pretechnical evaluation meaning Primary demand meaning Problem analysis meaning Problem identification meaning Process manager meaning Producibility meaning Product meaning Product adaptation meaning Product adoption process meaning Product architecture meaning Product attributes meaning Product champion meaning Product class meaning Product concept meaning Product definition meaning Product deletion meaning Product development meaning Product form meaning Product function analysis meaning Product hierarchy meaning Product idea meaning Product innovation meaning Product innovation charter meaning Product innovation gap meaning Product introduction meaning Product liability meaning Product life cycle (plc) meaning Product line meaning Product manager meaning Product/market matrix meaning Product planning meaning Product platform meaning Product positioning meaning Product requirements meaning Product use test meaning Profile sheet meaning Project meaning Projectization meaning Project matrix meaning Protocol meaning Prototype meaning Prototype concept test meaning Pseudo sale meaning Qualitative research meaning Quality function deployment meaning Rapid prototyping meaning Real-time response survey meaning Relationships analysis meaning Relevance tree meaning Repeat use meaning Replacement demand meaning Repositioning meaning Required rate of return meaning Research and development meaning Risk curve meaning Risk matrix (risk/payoff matrix) meaning Risk premium meaning Roadblock meaning Rollout meaning Scanner market testing meaning Scenario meaning Scenario analysis meaning Scoring model meaning Screening of ideas meaning Seed trends meaning Selective demand meaning Sensitivity testing meaning Serendipity meaning Service meaning Service mark meaning Services meaning Silo meaning Simulated test market meaning Simulation, financial meaning Simultaneous engineering meaning Singularity meaning Skunkworks meaning Snake plot meaning Speculative sale meaning Spin-out meaning Sponsor meaning Stage gate process meaning State of the art meaning Stage gate meaning Stakeholder meaning Stm meaning Strategic alliances meaning Strategic buckets meaning Strategic decisions, strategic launch decisions meaning Strict liability meaning Success factor meaning Sunk costs meaning Supply-pushed innovation meaning Surrogate positioning meaning Surrogate question meaning Tactical decisions meaning Target market meaning Tastemakers meaning Team meaning Team leader meaning Technology meaning Technology-driven meaning Test marketing meaning Top-down strategic approach meaning Top-two-boxes meaning Total quality management meaning Tracking meaning Tracking variable meaning Trade dress meaning Trademark meaning Trade name meaning Trade secret meaning Trade-off analysis meaning Trial meaning Twin streams of innovation activity meaning Two-dimensional matrix meaning Universal product code meaning Use testing meaning Value added meaning Venture meaning Vicarious trial meaning Virtual prototype meaning Voice of the customer (voc) meaning Waiver meaning Warranty meaning


Glossary of New Products Management terms meanings


Glossary of New Products Management terms meanings


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Glossary of New Products Management terms meanings