Glossary of Trade Policy terms meanings

Glossary of Trade Policy terms meanings


Absolute advantage meaning Absolute standard meaning Accelerated tariff liberalization meaning Acceptable level of risk meaning Accession meaning Access to Medicines meaning Accounting rate meaning ACP-EC Partnership Agreement meaning ACP-EC Sugar Protocol meaning ACP states meaning Acquis communitaire meaning Actionable subsidies meaning Act of state doctrine meaning Adding-up problem meaning Additional commitments meaning Adjustment costs meaning Administered protection meaning Administered trade meaning Administrative guidance meaning Administrative international commodity agreements meaning Administrative protection meaning Administrative regulation meaning Ad notes meaning Ad referendum agreement meaning Ad valorem equivalent meaning Ad valorem tariff meaning Advance informed consent meaning Advance ruling meaning Advisory Centre on WTO Law meaning African Economic Community meaning African Growth and Opportunity Act meaning African Union meaning AFTA meaning AFTACER Closer Economic Partnership meaning Agenda 21 meaning Agenda 2000 meaning Aggregate measurement of support meaning Aggressive multilateralism meaning Aggressive reciprocity meaning Aggressive unilateralism meaning Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks meaning Agreement for the Repression of False or Deceptive Indications of Source on Goods meaning Agreement on Agriculture meaning Agreement on Basic Telecommunications Services meaning Agreement on Customs Valuation meaning Agreement on Government Procurement meaning Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures meaning Agreement on Mutual Acceptance of Oenological Practices meaning Agreement on Preshipment Inspection meaning Agreement on Rules of Origin meaning Agreement on Safeguards meaning Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures meaning Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures meaning Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade meaning Agreement on Textiles and Clothing meaning Agreement on the Importation of Educational, Scientific and Cultural Agreements meaning Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft meaning Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights meaning Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures meaning Agreement Regarding International Trade in Textiles meaning Agriculture and the multilateral trading system meaning AITIC meaning ALADI meaning Alliance for Progress meaning Alliance of Small Island States meaning Alternative dispute resolution meaning Alternative specific tariff meaning Amber box meaning Amendments to WTO agreements meaning American Selling Price meaning Amicus brief meaning Amicus curiae meaning Analogue country meaning Analytical Index meaning Andean Community meaning Andean Free Trade Area meaning Andean Pact meaning Andean Trade Preference Act meaning Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act meaning Andriessen Assurance meaning Animal welfare meaning Annecy Tariff Conference meaning Annex I countries meaning Annex II countries meaning Annex VII countries meaning Anti-circumvention meaning Anti-competitive practices meaning Anti-dumping Agreement meaning Anti-dumping measures meaning Anti-globalization meaning Antitrust laws meaning Antitrust Enforcement Guidelines for International Operations meaning ANZCERTA meaning ANZCERTA Protocol on Trade in Services meaning APEC meaning APEC Blueprint for Action on Electronic Commerce meaning APEC Business Advisory Council meaning APEC Business Travel Card meaning APEC Economic and Technical Cooperation meaning APEC Economic Leaders’ Meetings meaning APEC Eminent Persons’ Group meaning APEC framework for liberalization and facilitation meaning APEC individual action plans meaning APEC Non-Binding Investment Principles meaning APEC Non-Binding Principles on Government Procurement meaning APEC Pacific Business Forum meaning APEC Principles on Trade Facilitation meaning APEC principles on transparency standards meaning APEC Principles to Enhance Competition and Regulatory Reform meaning APEC paperless trading initiative meaning APEC working groups meaning Appellate Body meaning Appellations of origin meaning Applied tariff rates meaning Appropriate level of sanitary or phytosanitary protection meaning Arab Maghreb Union meaning Arbitration meaning Areeda-Turner test meaning Arm’s-length pricing meaning Arrangements for Consultations on Restrictive Business Practices meaning Arrangement on Guidelines for Officially Supported Export Credits meaning Arrangement Regarding Bovine Meat meaning Article XX meaning Article XXIV meaning Article 113 Committee meaning Article 133 Committee meaning Article 21.5 panel meaning Article 22.6 arbitration meaning Article 25 arbitration meaning Arusha Declaration meaning ASEAN meaning ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services meaning ASEAN Free Trade Agreement meaning ASEAN Free Trade Area meaning ASEAN Industrial Cooperation Scheme meaning ASEAN Industrial Joint Venture Scheme meaning ASEAN Integration System of Preferences meaning ASEAN Investment Area meaning ASEAN+3 meaning ASEAN+3+2 meaning ASEAN-5 meaning ASEAN-6 meaning ASEAN Vision 2000 meaning ASEM meaning Asia-Europe Cooperation Framework 2000 meaning Assistance meaning Associated foreign direct investment meaning Association Agreements meaning Association of Caribbean States meaning Association of Tin Producing Countries meaning ASYCUDA meaning Asymmetrical trade agreements meaning Asymmetrical trade openness meaning ATA Carnet meaning ATC meaning Atlantic Charter meaning At-the-border barriers meaning Attraction-aversion dilemma meaning Auckland Challenge meaning Audiovisual services meaning Audiovisual services in the Uruguay Round meaning Australia and the third world meaning Australian argument for protection meaning Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement meaning Australian subsidy on ammonium sulphate meaning Autarky meaning Automatic import licensing meaning Automaticity meaning Automatic termination meaning Autonomous liberalization meaning Auto pact meaning Average tariff meaning Backdoor protectionism meaning Backloading meaning Balance of advantages meaning Balance of concessions meaning Balance of payments meaning Balance-of-payments consultations meaning Balance of trade meaning Baltic states meaning Banana cases meaning Bangkok Agreement meaning Bangkok Declaration meaning Bargaining tariff meaning Barter trade meaning Basel Convention meaning Base period meaning Base rate meaning Basic agricultural products meaning Basic Instruments and Selected Documents meaning Basic telecommunication services meaning Basket tariff quota meaning Baumgartner proposals meaning Beef hormones meaning Beer II meaning Beggar-thy-neighbour policies meaning Behaviour meaning Behind-the-border issues meaning Beirut Agreement meaning Belgian family allowances meaning Benefit meaning Benefits of trade meaning Benelux meaning Benign mercantilism meaning Berne Convention meaning Best-endeavour undertakings meaning Best information available meaning Bicycle theory meaning Bid challenge meaning Bilateral air services agreements meaning Bilateral investment treaties meaning Bilateralism meaning Bilateral restraint agreement meaning Bilateral trade agreement meaning BIMP-EAGA meaning Binding commitments meaning Binding meaning Biochemical prospecting meaning Biopiracy meaning Bioprospecting meaning Bipartisan Trade Promotion Authority Act of 2002 meaning Blair House Accord meaning Block exemptions meaning Blocking statutes antitrust laws extraterritorialityBlue box meaning Bogor Declaration meaning Bolar exception meaning Bona fides meaning Bonus meaning Boomerang clause meaning Boomerang effect meaning Bootlegging meaning Borderless world meaning Border measures meaning Border protection meaning Border tax adjustments meaning Border trade meaning Bottleneck facilities meaning Bottom-up approach meaning Bottom-up multilateralism meaning Bound meaning Bounty meaning Box meaning Boycott meaning Bracketed language meaning Brain drain meaning Branch office economy meaning Brandt Report meaning Brazilian unroasted coffee meaning Bretton Woods agreements meaning Bribery in international transactions meaning Brigden Report meaning Broadband services meaning Broadcasting Directive meaning Broader competition policy meaning Brundtland Commission meaning Brussels Declaration meaning Brussels Definition of Value meaning Brussels Ministerial Meeting meaning Brussels Tariff Nomenclature meaning BSE meaning Buffer stocks meaning Building-block approach meaning Built-in Agenda meaning Burden-sharing meaning But for test meaning Butter mountain meaning Buy American Act meaning Buy-local policies meaning Byrd Amendment meaning Cabotage meaning Cairns Group meaning Calvo doctrine meaning Canada – Administration of the Foreign Investment Review Act meaning Canada – Measures affecting exports of unprocessed herring and salmon meaning Canada–United States Automotive Products Agreement meaning Canada–United States Free Trade Agreement meaning Canadian periodicals meaning Cancun Summit meaning CAP meaning Capacity-building meaning Caribbean Basin Initiative meaning Caribbean Common Market meaning Caribbean Community meaning Caribbean Free Trade Association meaning Caricom meaning Carousel effect meaning Carousel legislation meaning Carry forward meaning Carry over meaning Cartagena Agreement meaning Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety meaning Cartel meaning Carve-out meaning Cascading tariffs meaning Cassis de Dijon case meaning Causality meaning Causal linkage meaning CBD meaning Ceiling bindings meaning Central African Customs and Economic Union meaning Central American Common Market meaning Central American Integration System meaning Central European Free Trade Agreement meaning Centrally-planned economies meaning CEPAL meaning CEPT meaning CER meaning CER Protocol on Trade in Services meaning Certificate of origin meaning CGIAR meaning Chaebol enterprises meaning Change in chapter heading meaning Change in tariff classification meaning Charter for an International Trade Organization meaning Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States meaning Cherry-picking meaning Chiang Mai Initiative meaning Chicago Convention meaning Chicken War meaning Chief supplier provision meaning Child labour meaning China-ASEAN free-trade agreement meaning Chinese Taipei meaning CHOGM meaning CIPEC meaning Circumvention meaning CITES meaning Civil aircraft code meaning Civil society meaning Clawback provisions meaning Clayton Act meaning Clean Development Mechanism meaning Climate change meaning CLMV meaning CNUCED meaning COCOM meaning Code-conditioned most-favoured-nation treatment meaning Code of conduct meaning Code of Good Practice for the Preparation, Adoption and Application of Standards meaning Code on Commercial Counterfeiting meaning Codex Alimentarius meaning Co-existence and diversity meaning Collective action meaning Collective rights meaning Colorado Group meaning Columbus Declaration meaning Comecon meaning COMESA meaning Comity meaning Commerce meaning Commercial defence mechanisms meaning Commercial import meaning Commercial policy meaning Commercial presence meaning Commercial treaty meaning Commission on Enterprise, Business Facilitation and Development meaning Commission on Investment, Technology and Related Financial Issues meaning Commission on Phytosanitary Measures meaning Commission on Science and Technology for Development meaning Commission on Trade in Goods and Services, and Commodities meaning Commission on Transnational Corporations meaning Committee of Permanent Representatives meaning Committee on Regional Trade Agreements meaning Committee on Rules of Origin meaning Committee on Trade and Development meaning Committee on Trade and Environment meaning Commitment meaning Commitment mechanisms meaning Commodity meaning Commodity arrangements meaning Commodity cartels meaning Commodity Credit Corporation meaning Commodity policy meaning Commodity terms of trade meaning Common Agricultural Policy meaning Common Commercial Policy meaning Common Crisis North South Cooperation for World Recovery meaning Common customs tariff meaning Common external tariff meaning Common Fund for Commodities meaning Common market meaning Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa meaning Commonwealth meaning Commonwealth of Independent States meaning Commonwealth preferences meaning Community Charter of Fundamental Social Rights for Workers meaning Community interest clause meaning Community rights meaning Comparability meaning Comparative advantage meaning Compensation meaning Compensation trade meaning Compensatory financing arrangements meaning Competence meaning Competition meaning Competition law meaning Competition policy meaning Competition policy and anti-dumping measures meaning Competitive advantage meaning Competitive devaluation meaning Competitive-need limitation meaning Competitiveness meaning Competitive neutrality meaning Compliance meaning Composite tariff meaning Composition of trade meaning Compound tariff meaning Comprehensiveness meaning Compulsory licensing meaning Computed value meaning Concealed dumping meaning Concerted liberalization action meaning Concerted unilateralism meaning Concertina approach meaning Concession meaning Conditional most-favoured-nation treatment meaning Conditional national treatment meaning Conditional offers meaning Conduct meaning Conference on International Economic Cooperation meaning Conflict diamonds meaning Conflict of laws meaning Conformity assessment meaning Consensus meaning Conservative social welfare function meaning Constructed value meaning Consular formalities meaning Consultation meaning Consultative Group of Eighteen meaning Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research meaning Consumer subsidy equivalent meaning Consumption abroad meaning Contact points meaning Container Security Initiative meaning Contestability of markets meaning Contingent multilateralism meaning Contingent protection meaning Continuation clause meaning Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000 meaning Contraband meaning Contracting party meaning Contrary to honest commercial practice meaning Conventional tariff meaning Conventional wisdom meaning Convention of Stockholm meaning Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences meaning Convention on Biological Diversity meaning Convention on International Civil Aviation meaning Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora meaning Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants meaning Convention on the Grant of European Patents meaning Convention on the Law of the Sea meaning Convoy problem meaning Cooperation Council of the Arab States of the Gulf meaning Copenhagen Declaration and Programme of Action meaning Copyright meaning Copyright Treaty meaning Core labour standards meaning Coreper meaning Core-periphery thesis meaning Corn laws meaning Corruption meaning Cotonou Agreement meaning Council for Mutual Economic Assistance meaning Council for Trade in Goods meaning Council for Trade in Services meaning Council for TRIPS meaning Council of Arab Economic Unity meaning Council of Europe meaning Council of the Entente meaning Council of the European Union meaning Counterfeiting meaning Countermeasures meaning Countertrade meaning Countervailing duties meaning Country-hopping meaning Country of origin meaning Country-of-origin marking meaning Court of International Trade meaning Cradle-to-grave assessment meaning Crawling peg system meaning Creative ambiguity meaning Creative minilateralism meaning Credit for liberalization meaning Crisis cartel meaning Critical mass meaning Cross-border alliances meaning Cross-border investment meaning Cross-border supply meaning Cross-border trade meaning Cross-border trade in services meaning Cross-compensation meaning Cross-retaliation meaning Crow-bar theory of trade policy meaning CTD meaning CTG meaning Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act meaning Cultural identity meaning Cultural industries meaning Cumulative assessment of dumping meaning Cumulative rules of origin meaning Cumulative subsidies meaning Currency Board meaning Current access tariff quotas meaning Current account meaning Current domestic value meaning Customs Convention on Temporary Admission meaning Admission of Goods meaning Customs cooperation meaning Customs Cooperation Council meaning Customs duties meaning Customs territory meaning Customs union meaning Customs user fee meaning Customs valuation meaning Customs valuation agreement meaning Cyclical dumping meaning DAC meaning DAC principles for developing the capacity for trade meaning D’Amato legislation meaning Dairy Export Incentive Program meaning Data protection in trade in services meaning Davignon Plan meaning Decision meaning Decision in Favour of Least Developed Countries meaning Decision-making in the WTO meaning Decision on Conflicting Requirements meaning Decision on International Incentives and Disincentives meaning Declaration giving effect to the provisions of Article XVI4 meaning Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work meaning Declaration on Implementation-Related Issues and Concerns meaning Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises meaning Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order meaning Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health meaning Decompilation meaning Découpage meaning Deep amber meaning Decoupling meaning Deep integration meaning De facto meaning De facto discrimination meaning De facto GATT membership meaning Deficiency payments meaning Definitive anti-dumping duties meaning Degressivity meaning Deindustrialization meaning DEIP meaning De jure meaning De jure discrimination meaning Delocalization meaning De minimis meaning De minimis dumping margins meaning De minimis imports meaning De minimis safeguards rule meaning De minimis subsidies meaning Denial of benefits meaning Dependence theory meaning Deregulation meaning Determination of origin meaning Devaluation meaning Developed country meaning Developing country meaning Developing countries and the multilateral trading system meaning Development agenda meaning Development assistance meaning Development Assistance Committee meaning Development box meaning Development Round meaning Dialogue partners meaning Differential export tax meaning Diffuse reciprocity meaning Digital divide meaning Digital Opportunity Taskforce meaning Dillon Round meaning Diminished giant syndrome meaning Direction of trade meaning Directive meaning Dirty Dozen meaning Dirty quotification meaning Dirty tariffication meaning Disguised trade barriers meaning Dispersed tariff rates meaning Dispute settlement meaning Dispute Settlement Body meaning Dispute Settlement Understanding meaning Distortion meaning Distribution foreign direct investment meaning Diversionary dumping meaning Doha Development Agenda meaning Doha Development Agenda Global Trust Fund meaning Doha Ministerial Conference meaning Doha Ministerial Declaration meaning Doha Round meaning Domestically prohibited goods meaning Domestic content requirements meaning Domestic exports meaning Domestic International Sales Corporation meaning Domestic support meaning Dominant supplier provision meaning Domino theory of regionalism meaning Dot force meaning Double écart formula meaning Double pricing meaning Double-zero reductions meaning Downpayment meaning Downstream dumping meaning Dracula effect meaning Draft International Agreement on Illicit Payments meaning Draft International Antitrust Code meaning Draft United Nations Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations meaning Drawback meaning DSB meaning DSU meaning Dual pricing meaning Dual purpose exports meaning Dual-use products meaning Due restraint provision meaning Dumping meaning Dutiable goods meaning Duty meaning Duty deferral program meaning Duty drawback meaning Dynamic comparative advantage meaning E-APEC strategy meaning Early harvest meaning Early Voluntary Sectoral Liberalization meaning Earth Summit meaning East African Cooperation meaning East African Development Bank meaning East ASEAN Growth Area meaning East Asia Free-Trade Agreement meaning East Asia Economic Caucus meaning East Asia Study Group meaning East Caribbean Common Market meaning East-South trade meaning East-West trade meaning EC meaning ECDCCommittee on Trade and Development GSTPECLAC meaning Eclectic theory of international investment meaning EC measures concerning meat and meat products (hormones) meaning Eco-dumping meaning Eco-duties meaning Eco-labelling meaning Economic and Social Commission for the Asia-Pacific meaning Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia meaning Economic Commission for Africa meaning Economic Commission for Europe meaning Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean meaning Economic Commission for Western Asia meaning Economic-complementarity agreements meaning Economic cooperation agreement meaning Economic Cooperation Area of Black Sea Countries meaning Economic Cooperation between Developing Countries meaning Economic Cooperation Organization meaning Economic framework agreement meaning Economic impact criterion meaning Economic integration meaning Economic integration agreements meaning Economic international commodity agreements meaning Economic nationalism meaning Economic needs test meaning Economic partnership agreement meaning Economic regulation meaning Economic sanctions meaning Economic summits meaning Economic unity theory meaning Economies in transition meaning Eco-packaging meaning Eco-protectionism meaning ECOSOC meaning ECOSOC and GATT meaning Eco-standards meaning ECOWAS meaning Ecrêtement meaning EC wine labelling regulation meaning EC-92 program meaning EDI meaning EDIFACT meaning EEC minimum import prices meaning EEP meaning Effective market access meaning Effective market presence meaning Effective rate of assistance meaning Effective rate of protection meaning Effects doctrine meaning Efficiency-seeking investment meaning EFTA meaning Egregious meaning E-IAP meaning Electronic commerce meaning Electronic Data Interchange meaning Emergency protection meaning Enlargement meaning Enquiry points meaning Enterprise for ASEAN Initiative meaning Enterprise for the Americas Initiative meaning Entrepôt trade meaning Environmental dumping meaning Environmental goods and services meaning Environmental rules under the WTO meaning Equality of competitive opportunity meaning Equitable competition meaning Equitable share of the market meaning Equivalence meaning Equivalence of advantages meaning Equivalent measure of support meaning Erga omnes ESCAP meaning Escape clause meaning Essential facilities doctrine meaning Essential products meaning EST meaning EST&P meaning Establishment meaning Euro-Mediterranian Economic Area meaning Europe Agreements meaning European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund meaning European Coal and Steel Community meaning European Commission meaning European Communities meaning European Community meaning European Community legislation meaning European Community Single Market meaning European Court of Justice meaning European Economic Area meaning European Economic Community meaning proteins meaning European Economic Community – subsidies on exports of pasta products meaning European Economic Community – subsidies on export of wheat flour meaning European Free Trade Association meaning European Patent Convention meaning European Union meaning European Union-Mercosur Cooperation Agreement meaning European works meaning Everything But Arms meaning EVSL Early Voluntary Sectoral LiberalizationEx aequo et bono Ex ante meaning Exchange controls meaning Exchange dumping meaning Exchange of concessions meaning Exchange rate meaning Excise duty meaning Exclusive Economic Zone meaning Exclusive export rights meaning Exclusive service suppliers meaning Exhaustion doctrine meaning Ex officio meaning Exon-Florio amendment meaning Ex parte communications meaning Explicit consensus meaning Explicit harmonization meaning Export meaning Exportation meaning Export cartel meaning Export competition meaning Export controls meaning Export credits meaning Export culture meaning Export Enhancement Program meaning Export earnings guarantee schemes meaning Export Expansion and Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act meaning Export incentives meaning Export inflation insurance schemes meaning Exporting unemployment meaning Export of domestically prohibited goods meaning Export of jobs meaning Export participation rate meaning Export performance measure meaning Export performance requirements meaning Export pessimism meaning Export propensity meaning Export processing zones meaning Export quotas meaning Export restitution meaning Export restraint arrangement meaning Export subsidies meaning Export targeting meaning Export tariffs meaning Ex post meaning Expressions of folklore meaning Expropriation meaning External trade meaning Extraordinary challenge meaning Extraterritoriality meaning Factor proportion theory meaning Failing-firm doctrine meaning FAIR Act meaning Fair and equitable treatment meaning Fair competition meaning Fair labour standards meaning Fair trade meaning Fair-use doctrine meaning Fallacy of composition meaning FAO meaning Farmers' rights meaning Farm Security and Rural Investment Act meaning Fast-track meaning Favourable-balance-of-trade objective meaning FCN treaties meaning FEEEP meaning FEOGA meaning Fetish of industrialization meaning Fifth Protocol to the General Agreement on Trade in Services meaning Final goods and services meaning Financial services meaning FIRA panel meaning First Account meaning First Agreement on Trade Negotiation Among Developing Countries of ESCAP meaning First-difference negotiations meaning First-difference reciprocity meaning First-mover advantage meaning First-order protectionism meaning First regionalism meaning First-to-file meaning First-to-invent meaning Fixed exchange rate meaning Fixed quota meaning Flag of convenience meaning Flat-tariff structure meaning Flexibility provisions meaning Floating exchange rate meaning Floating initial negotiating rights meaning Floor price meaning Florence Agreement meaning Flying-geese formation meaning Folklore meaning Food Aid Convention meaning Food and Agricultural Organization meaning Food, Energy, the Environment, Economic Growth and Population meaning Food for Peace program meaning Food for progress program meaning Food-importing Group meaning Food security meaning Food security box meaning Foot dragger meaning Footloose industries meaning Forced technology transfer meaning Foreign Corrupt Practices Act meaning Foreign direct investment meaning Foreign exports re-exports domestic exportsForeign Investment Advisory Service meaning Foreign investment protection agreements meaning Foreign investment screening meaning Foreign parity meaning Foreign sales corporation meaning Formula-plus tariff reductions meaning Formula tariff reductions meaning Fortress effect meaning Fortress Europe meaning Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation meaning Forum-shopping meaning Four freedoms meaning Four pillars of trade liberalization meaning Fourth Protocol to the General Agreement on Trade in Services meaning Framework Agreement on the ASEAN Investment Area meaning Framework Agreements meaning Framework Convention on Climate Change meaning Francophone countries meaning Free and fair trade meaning Freedom-of-emigration provision meaning Freedom of transit meaning Freedoms of the air meaning Free imports meaning Free list meaning Free riders meaning Free trade meaning Free-trade agreement meaning Free-trade area meaning Free Trade Area of the Americas meaning Free-trade zones meaning French assistance to exports of wheat and wheat flour meaning French plan meaning French wheat and wheat flour case meaning Friends of Multifunctionality meaning Frontier traffic meaning Frontloading meaning FTAA meaning Full balance-of-payments consultations meaning Full preferential trade agreement meaning Functional trade agreement meaning Functioning of the GATT System meaning Fungible goods meaning Gains-from-trade theory meaning Gate-keeper effect meaning GATS meaning GATT meaning GATT à la carte meaning GATT Basic Instruments and Selected Documents meaning GATT-consistency of national legislation meaning GATT Council of Representatives meaning GATT plus meaning GATT review session meaning GATT-Think meaning GATT 1947 meaning GATT 1994 meaning General Affairs Council meaning General Agreement on Trade in Services meaning General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade meaning General Council meaning General exceptions meaning Generalized System of Preferences meaning Generally Accepted Accounting Principles meaning General obligations meaning General tariff meaning General trade meaning Generic springboarding meaning Genetically modified organism Genetically modified micro-organism meaning Genetic labelling meaning Geneva Convention meaning Geneva Tariff Conference, 1947 meaning Geneva Tariff Conference, 1955-56 meaning Geographical indications meaning Georgetown Agreement meaning German imports of sardines meaning Glass-Steagall Act meaning Global Alliance for Sugar Trade Reform and Liberalization meaning Global commons meaning Global Compact meaning Global Environment Facility meaning Global Information Infrastructure meaning Globalization meaning Globality meaning Global negotiations meaning Global quota meaning Global Sugar Alliance meaning Global Trade Point Network meaning Good faith meaning Good governance meaning Good offices meaning Government procurement meaning Government trading monopolies meaning Government use meaning Graduation meaning Graduation clause meaning Grains Trade Convention meaning Grandfather clause meaning Greater Horn of Africa meaning Green box meaning Greenhouse gases meaning Greening the GATT meaning Green labelling meaning Green procurement meaning Green protectionism meaning Green Room meaning Grey-area measures meaning Grey marketing meaning Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries meaning Group of Negotiations on Goods meaning Group of Negotiations on Services Uruguay Round trade in servicesGroup of Three meaning Group of 15 meaning Group of 24 meaning Group of 77 meaning Group system meaning Growing East Asia Community meaning Growth triangles meaning GRULAC meaning GSP meaning GSTP meaning Guidelines for Mutual Recognition Agreements or Arrangements in the Accountancy Sector meaning Guiding Principles Concerning Environmental Policies meaning Gulf Cooperation Council meaning G7 meaning G8 meaning G8 African Action Plan meaning G-15 meaning G-24 meaning G-77 meaning Haberler Report meaning Hard-core waiver meaning Hard law meaning Harmonization of standards and qualifications meaning Harmonized System meaning Harmonized tariff reductions meaning Harries Report meaning Hatters' fur meaning Havana Charter meaning Hawley-Smoot tariff meaning Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points meaning Heckscher-Ohlin theorem meaning Helms-Burton legislation meaning Herring and salmon meaning Hidden dumping meaning High-income economies meaning Historical preferences meaning HLM meaning Hollowing-out meaning Horizontal arrangements meaning Horizontal commitments meaning Horizontal foreign direct investment meaning Horizontal keiretsu meaning Hormone growth promotants meaning Horn of Africa meaning Host country operational measures meaning Hub and spokes meaning IBRD meaning ICC Guidelines for International Investment meaning ICITO meaning ICSID meaning ICT meaning Identical goods meaning ILO meaning ILO Convention No. 138 meaning ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work meaning IMF meaning IMF Buffer Stock Financing Facility meaning IMF Compensatory and Contingency Financing Facility meaning Impairment meaning Imperial preferences arrangement meaning Implementation meaning Implementation doctrine meaning Implementation periods meaning Implicit discrimination meaning Import meaning Importation meaning Import cartel meaning Import deposit schemes meaning Import discipline hypothesis meaning Import licensing meaning Import relief meaning Import restrictions meaning Import risk assessment meaning Import substitution meaning Import substitution subsidy meaning Import surcharge meaning Import target meaning Import tariffs meaning In a manner contrary to honest commercial practices meaning In-bond manufacturing meaning Inclusion list meaning Incoterms meaning Independence of protection meaning Independent Commission on International Development Issues meaning Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation meaning Indications of source meaning Indicators of market openness meaning Indigenous knowledge meaning Indirect dumping meaning Indirect material meaning Individual action plan meaning Industrial designs meaning Industrial property meaning Industrial research meaning Industrial tariffs meaning Industry policy meaning Industry-to-industry understandings meaning Inertial policy determinism meaning Infant-industry argument meaning Infant-industry provision meaning Information Technology Agreement meaning Information Technology Agreement II meaning Initial commitments meaning Initial negotiating right meaning Initiative for Japan-ASEAN Comprehensive Partnership meaning Injury meaning Inland parity meaning Inorganic integration meaning Input dumping meaning In-quota rate meaning Insufficient operations meaning Integrated Programme for Commodities meaning Integrated Tariff of the European Community meaning Integration meaning Integration program meaning Integrity in customs meaning Intellectual property meaning Intellectual property protection meaning Intellectual property rights meaning Intellectual property right infringements meaning Inter-American Convention on International Commercial Arbitration meaning Interested parties meaning Interested third parties meaning Interface theory meaning Intergovernmental conference meaning Intergovernmental Council of Copper Exporting Countries meaning Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs meaning Intergovernmental organizations meaning Interim Agreement necessary for the formation of a customs union or a free-trade area meaning Interim Commission on Phytosanitary Measures meaning Interim Co-ordinating Committee for International Commodity Arrangements meaning Intermediary nation embargo meaning Intermediate agricultural products meaning Intermediate goods and services meaning Intermediate material meaning Internal market meaning Internal support meaning Internal taxes meaning Internal trade meaning International accounting standards meaning International Agreement on Jute and Jute Products meaning International Bauxite Association meaning International Bovine Meat Agreement meaning International Bureau of Intellectual Property meaning International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development meaning International Chamber of Commerce meaning International Civil Aviation Organization meaning International Cocoa Agreement meaning International Coffee Agreement meaning International commercial dispute resolution meaning International commodity agreements meaning International commodity bodies meaning International commodity-related environment agreement meaning International Conference on Financing and Development meaning International contestability of markets meaning International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants meaning Description and Coding System meaning International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures meaning International Cotton Advisory Committee meaning International Court of Arbitration meaning International Court of Justice meaning International Dairy Agreement meaning International Dairy Arrangement meaning International Dairy Council meaning International Development Association meaning International division of labour meaning International economic relations meaning International Electrotechnical Commission meaning International Energy Agency meaning International Finance Corporation meaning International financial institutions meaning International Fund for Agricultural Development meaning International Grains Agreement meaning International investment agreements meaning Internationalization meaning International Jute Study Group meaning International Labour Organization meaning International Lead and Zinc Study Group meaning International Maritime Organization meaning International Meat Council meaning Internationally recognized labour standards meaning International Natural Rubber Agreement meaning International Nickel Study Group meaning International non-governmental organizations meaning International Office of Epizootics meaning International Olive Oil Agreement meaning International Organization for Standardization meaning International Patent Classification meaning International Plant Protection Convention meaning International political economy meaning International Program for the Elimination of Child Labour meaning International Rubber Study Group meaning International steel cartel meaning International Sugar Agreement meaning International Tea Agreement meaning International Telecommunication Union meaning International Textiles and Clothing Bureau meaning International Tin Agreement meaning International Tin Study Group meaning International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO meaning International Trade Commission meaning International trade law meaning International Trade Organization meaning International trade writ large meaning International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture meaning International Tropical Timber Agreement meaning International Undertaking on Plant Genetic Resources meaning International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources meaning International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants meaning International Wheat Agreement meaning Intervention price meaning Intra-firm trade meaning Intra-industry trade meaning Invention meaning Investment meaning Investment Policy Review meaning Investment promotion and protection agreements meaning Investment-related trade measures meaning Investment services directive meaning Investment substitution meaning Investor-state disputes meaning Invisible hand meaning Invisibles Group meaning Invisible tariffs meaning Invisibles trade meaning IOSCO meaning IPRs meaning Iran and Libya Sanctions Act meaning Iron law of subsidies meaning ISO 9000 meaning ISO 14000 meaning Istanbul Convention meaning ITA meaning ITA II meaning ITC meaning ITCB meaning Item-by-item tariff negotiations meaning ITO meaning Jackson-Vanik amendment meaning Japanese measures on leather meaning JI meaning Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development meaning Johannesburg Plan of Implementation meaning Joint action meaning Joint Group on Trade and Competition meaning Joint Implementation meaning of Well-Known Marks meaning Joint Trade Committee meaning Joint venture meaning Jones Act meaning Juridical person meaning Kaleidoscopic comparative advantage meaning Keiretsu relationships meaning Kennedy Round meaning écrêtementdouble écart thirty meaning Kimberley process meaning Knowledge-based industry meaning Korean beef meaning Kyoto Convention meaning Kyoto Protocol meaning Labelling meaning Labour markets integration agreements meaning Labour market testing meaning LAFTA meaning LAIA meaning Laissez-faire policies meaning Last substantial transformation meaning Latin American Economic System meaning Latin American Integration Association meaning Law of constant protection meaning Lay-out designs of integrated circuits meaning LCA meaning LDCs meaning Leaders’ Statement to Implement APEC Transparency Standards meaning League of Nations meaning Learning-by-doing argument meaning Least developed countries meaning Least Developed Countries Report meaning Leather meaning Left-over tariffs meaning Legal persons meaning Leontief Paradox meaning Lerner’s symmetry theorem meaning Less-advantaged countries meaning Less-developed countries meaning Lesser-duty principle meaning Less than fair value meaning Lex posterior meaning Leutwiler Report meaning Level playing field meaning Life cycle assessment meaning Like-Minded Group of Developing Countries meaning Like product meaning Linear country meaning Linear tariff cuts meaning Lisbon Agreement meaning Loan rate meaning Local content requirements meaning Local content rules in broadcasting meaning Local presence meaning Locarno Agreement Establishing an International Classification for Industrial Designs meaning Locomotive effect meaning Lomé Convention meaning London Guidelines for the Exchange of Information on Chemicals in International Trade meaning Long-Term Arrangement Regarding International Trade in Cotton Textiles meaning Low-income economies meaning Lower-middle-income economies meaning Lusophone countries meaning Luxembourg Compromise meaning Made-to-measure tariffs meaning Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks meaning Madrid Agreement for the Repression of False or Deceptive Indications of Source on Goods meaning Madrid Protocol meaning Madrid Union meaning Maghreb states meaning Mailbox meaning Mala fides meaning Malevolent mercantilism meaning Managed liberalism meaning Managed mutual recognition meaning Managed trade meaning Managed trade liberalization meaning Mandatory but not compulsory meaning Manila Action Plan for APEC meaning Mano River Union meaning Mansholt proposals meaning Manufacturing Clause meaning Maputo Declaration meaning Maquiladora industries meaning Marginalization meaning Margin of dumping meaning Margin of preference meaning Marine Mammal Protection Act meaning Maritime transport services meaning Market access meaning Market access for agriculture meaning Market access for services meaning Market disruption meaning Market dominance meaning Market economy meaning Market-expansion dumping meaning Market failure meaning Marketing boards meaning Market-led integration meaning Market-opening initiatives meaning Market-Oriented Sector-Specific talks meaning Market power meaning Market presence meaning Market-seeking investment meaning Market-sharing arrangements meaning Market transparency meaning Marks of origin meaning Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization meaning Marshall Plan meaning Mashreq countries meaning Massachusetts Burma Law meaning Material injury meaning Material transfer agreement meaning Maximum-minimum tariff meaning Measure meaning Mediation meaning Mediterranean Agreements meaning Mega-tariff meaning Melanesian Spearhead Group Trade Agreement meaning Members meaning Mercado Comum do Sul meaning Mercado Común del Sur meaning Mercantilism meaning Merchandise trade meaning Mercosul meaning Mercosur meaning Merger Treaty meaning METI meaning MFA meaning MFN meaning MFN exemptions meaning Miami Summit meaning Midrand Declaration meaning Millennium Round meaning Minilateralism meaning Mini-ministerial meeting meaning Minimum access tariff quotas meaning Minimum customs values meaning Minimum labour standards meaning Minimum operations meaning Minimum standard of treatment meaning Ministerial Conference meaning Ministerial Declaration on Trade in Information Technology Products meaning Mini-trading area meaning Mirror-image reciprocity meaning MITI meaning Mixed Commission meaning Mixed credits meaning Mixed export cartel meaning Mixed tariff meaning Mixed trade policies meaning Mixing requirements meaning Modalities meaning Model Arbitration Clause meaning Modes of services delivery meaning Monetary assessments meaning Monetary Compensation Amounts meaning Monitoring and Enforcement Unit meaning Section-306 monitoringMonopoly meaning Monopsony meaning Montant de soutien meaning Monterrey Consensus meaning Montreal mid-term review meaning Montreal Protocol meaning Moral rights meaning Moratorium meaning More than an equitable share of the market meaning Most-favoured-nation tariff meaning Most-favoured-nation treatment meaning Movement of natural persons meaning Multi-column tariff meaning Multidomestic corporation meaning Multi-Fibre Arrangement meaning Multifunctionality meaning Multilateral agreement on competition meaning Multilateral Agreement on Investment meaning Multilateral Agricultural Framework meaning Multilateral development banks meaning Multilateral environment agreements meaning Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol meaning Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency meaning Multilateralism meaning Multilateral procurement meaning Multilateral Specialty Steel Agreement meaning Multilateral Steel Agreement meaning Multilateral system of notification and registration of geographical indications meaning Multilateral trade agreements meaning Multilateral Trade Organization meaning Multilateral trading system meaning Multi-modal meaning Multinational enterprises meaning Munich Group meaning Mutatis mutandis meaning Mutual aid agreement meaning Mutual recognition arrangements meaning NAFTA meaning Nagging rights meaning Nairobi Convention meaning NAM meaning Narrow competition policy meaning National champions meaning National interest meaning National schedules meaning National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers meaning National treatment meaning National treatment instrument meaning National Treatment Study meaning Natural resource-based products meaning Natural trading blocs meaning Natural-trading-partners hypothesis meaning Necessity test meaning Negative comity meaning Negative integration meaning Negative listings meaning Negative reciprocity meaning Negligible imports meaning Negotiated protectionism meaning Negotiating coin meaning Negotiating credits meaning Negotiating Group on Basic Telecommunications meaning Negotiating Group on Maritime Transport Services meaning Negotiating rights meaning Neighbouring rights meaning Neo-mercantilism meaning NEPAD meaning New-age agreement meaning New commercial policy instrument meaning New economy meaning Newer ASEAN members meaning New industrial policies meaning New international division of labour meaning New International Economic Order meaning Newly Independent States meaning Newly industrializing economies meaning Newly liberalizing countries meaning New Miyazawa Intiative meaning New Partnership for Africa’s Development meaning New protectionism meaning New trade agenda meaning New trade issues meaning New trade order meaning New trade theory meaning New Transatlantic Agenda meaning New Transatlantic Marketplace meaning New York Convention meaning New Zealand Australia Free Trade Agreement meaning NGBT meaning NGMTS meaning NGO meaning Noerr-Pennington doctrine meaning Nominal rate of protection meaning Nominal tariff meaning Non-actionable subsidies meaning Non-application meaning Non-discrimination meaning Non-dutiable goods meaning Non-equity-based investment meaning Non-governmental organizations meaning Non-market economies meaning Non-originating goods meaning Non-price predation meaning Non-reciprocal free-trade area meaning Non-tariff barriers meaning Non-tariff distortions meaning Non-tariff measures meaning Non-tradeables meaning Non-trade concerns meaning Non-trade objectives in trade policy meaning Non-violation meaning Nordic countries meaning Normal trade relations meaning Normal value meaning North meaning North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation meaning North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation meaning North American Free Trade Agreement meaning North Atlantic Free Trade Area meaning North-South A Programme for Survival meaning North-South dialogue meaning Nothing is agreed until everything is agreed meaning Notification meaning Not inconsistent with meaning Not-made-here syndrome meaning Not-on-the-whole-higher-or-more-restrictive criterion meaning NTMs meaning Nuisance tariff meaning Nullification and impairment meaning Observer status meaning OECD meaning OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises meaning OECD Recommendation on Trade and Competition meaning OECD shipbuilding agreement meaning Offer meaning Office international de la vigne et du vin meaning Office International des Epizooties meaning Official development assistance meaning Offsets meaning Oil-exporting countries meaning Oilseeds meaning Okinawa Charter on Global Information Society meaning Old economy meaning OMA meaning OMC meaning Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act meaning OMPI meaning One-way free-trade area meaning OPEC meaning Open regionalism meaning Open-season negotiations meaning Open-skies agreements meaning Opinion meaning OPTAD meaning Optimal-intervention principle meaning Optimal-tariff argument meaning Orderly Marketing Arrangement meaning Organic integration meaning Organisation for European Economic Cooperation meaning Organization for International Economic Cooperation meaning Organization for Trade Cooperation meaning Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie meaning Organization of African Unity meaning Organization of American States meaning Organization of Eastern Caribbean States meaning Origin meaning Original membership of the WTO meaning Originating goods meaning Osaka Action Agenda meaning Ottawa Imperial Conference meaning Our Common Future meaning Out-of-cycle reviews meaning Out-of-quota rate meaning Over-quota tariff rate meaning Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations meaning Pacific Free Trade Area meaning Pacific Island Countries Free Trade Agreement meaning Pacific Islands Forum meaning Pacific Rim meaning Pacta sunt servanda meaning Panel meaning Pan-European Cumulation Area meaning Paperless trading meaning Parallel import meaning Para-tariffs meaning Pareto optimum (or efficiency) meaning Paris Club meaning Paris Convention meaning Paris Union meaning Partial-scope trade agreements meaning Partial preferential trade agreement meaning Part IV of the GATT meaning Partners for Progress meaning Partnership and Cooperation Agreements meaning Passive reciprocity meaning Pass-through operations meaning Pasta meaning Patent meaning Patent Cooperation Treaty meaning Pathfinder approach meaning Pauper-labour argument meaning PBEC meaning Peace clause meaning Peak tariffs meaning PECC meaning Performance requirements meaning Peril points meaning Permanent Group of Experts meaning Permanent normal trade relations meaning Permanent Secretariat of the General Treaty on Central American Economic Integration meaning Per se conduct meaning Persistent Dumping Clause meaning Persistent Organic Pollutants meaning Pflimlin plan meaning Phase-in periods meaning Phonogram meaning Picking winners meaning Pipeline protection meaning Pipeline sanctions meaning Piracy meaning Plant breeders' rights meaning Ploughshares War meaning Plurilateral trade agreements meaning Plurilateralism meaning Plus-three countries meaning PL 480 meaning PNTR meaning Policy competitiveness meaning Policy-led integration meaning Political will meaning Polluter-Pays Principle meaning Pop mercantilism meaning Portfolio investment meaning Positive adjustment programs meaning Positive comity meaning Positive integration meaning Positive listings meaning Post-establishment meaning Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility meaning PPM labelling meaning Precaution meaning Precautionary approach meaning Precautionary principle meaning Pre-competitive development activity meaning Predatory pricing meaning Predatory-pricing dumping meaning Pre-establishment meaning Preference erosion meaning Preferences meaning Preferential investment arrangements meaning Preferential market access meaning Preferential rules of origin meaning Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern African States meaning Preferential trade arrangements meaning Preparatory work meaning Presence of Natural Persons meaning Preshipment inspection meaning Price bands systems meaning Price dumping meaning Price equalization mechanism meaning Price undertaking meaning Price wedge meaning Prima facie meaning Primage meaning Primary dealers meaning Primary nation embargo meaning Primary products meaning Principal supplier right meaning Principal supplier rule meaning Principal supplying interest meaning Prior informed consent meaning Priority foreign country meaning Priority foreign country practices meaning Priority watch list meaning Prisoner's Dilemma meaning Prison labour meaning Private cartel meaning Private international law meaning Privatization meaning Procedural protectionism meaning Processes and production method meaning Process protectionism meaning Procès-verbal meaning Producer subsidy equivalent meaning Product-by-product negotiations meaning Product cycle theory meaning Product-mandating meaning Produit similaire meaning Professional services meaning Profit-shifting tariff meaning Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order meaning Progressive liberalization meaning Prohibited subsidies meaning Prohibitive tariff meaning Proportionality meaning Proprietary information meaning Proprio motu meaning Protection meaning Protectionism meaning Protection of fisheries resources meaning Protective tariff meaning Protocol meaning Protocol of accession meaning Protocol of Ouro Preto meaning Protocol of Provisional Application meaning Protocol of Tegucigalpa meaning Provisional anti-dumping duties meaning Provisional countervailing duties meaning Provisional safeguard measures meaning Prudence meaning Prudential regulation meaning PSI meaning Public cartel meaning Public international law meaning Public procurement meaning Punta del Este Declaration meaning Pure export cartel meaning P-5 meaning QRs meaning Quadrilaterals meaning Qualifying value content meaning Quantitative export restrictions meaning Quantitative restrictions meaning Quarantine measures meaning Quint meaning Quota-hopping meaning QWERTY principle meaning Race-to-the-bottom argument meaning Reasonable period of time meaning Rebuttable presumption meaning Recidivist dumping meaning Reciprocal free trade meaning Reciprocal free-trade area meaning Reciprocal Trade Agreements Program meaning Reciprocity meaning Reciprocity at the margin meaning Recognition meaning Recommendation meaning Rectifications tariff schedulerenegotiation of tariffsRe-exports meaning Reference paper on telecommunications services meaning Reform process/program meaning Reformulated gasoline meaning Refusal to deal meaning Regatta approach meaning Regionalism meaning Regional integration arrangement meaning Regional Trade and Investment Framework Agreement meaning Regional trade arrangement meaning Regional value content meaning Regulation meaning Relative reciprocity meaning Remissions meaning Renegotiation of tariffs meaning Repeat dumping meaning Requests and offers meaning Re-regulation meaning Resentment, inefficiency, bureaucracy, and stupid signals meaning Reserved negotiations meaning Residual quantitative restrictions meaning Residual tariffs meaning Resources diplomacy meaning Restrictive business practices meaning Retaliation meaning Retaliatory tariff meaning Revealed comparative advantage meaning Revenue tariff meaning Reverse consensus meaning Reverse engineering meaning Reverse fast-track meaning Reverse notification meaning Reverse preferences meaning Reverse special and differential treatment meaning Reverse transfer of technology meaning Right of establishment meaning Right of non-establishment meaning Right of priority meaning Rio Declaration on Environment and Development meaning Rio Group meaning Risk assessment meaning Robinson-Patman Act Clayton Actantitrust laws competition policyRollback meaning Rolling specificity meaning Rome Convention meaning Rotterdam Convention meaning Round meaning Ruinous competition meaning Rule of reason meaning S&D meaning SAARC meaning Safeguards meaning Safe-haven agreement meaning SAFTA meaning SAFTA meaning Same-condition substitution duty drawback meaning Sanitary and phytosanitary measures meaning SAPTA meaning Schedules of specific commitments on services meaning Schedule of concessions meaning Scientific tariff meaning Screwdriver operations meaning Seasonal tariff meaning Seattle Ministerial Conference meaning Second Account meaning Secondary dumping meaning Second banking coordination directive meaning Second beer panel meaning Second-level obligations meaning Second Protocol to the General Agreement on Trade in Services meaning Second regionalism meaning Second United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries meaning Section 22 waiver meaning Section 201 meaning Section 232 investigation meaning Section 301 meaning Section-306 monitoring meaning Section 337 meaning Sectoral commitments meaning Sectoral customs union meaning Security exceptions meaning SELA meaning Selective safeguards meaning Selectivity meaning Self-produced material meaning Semi-conductor meaning Semi-generic wine names meaning Semi-tradeables meaning Sensitive List meaning Sensitive products meaning Sensitive sectors meaning Separate Arbitration Agreement meaning Seoul Declaration meaning Sequential foreign direct investment meaning Serious damage meaning Serious injury meaning Serious prejudice meaning Service dumping meaning Service mark meaning Services meaning Set-aside programs meaning Shallow integration meaning Sham litigation meaning Shanghai Accord meaning Shelf-life restrictions meaning Sheltered industries meaning Schengen agreement meaning Sherman Act meaning Shortage clause meaning Short-supply products meaning Short-supply regulations meaning Short-Term Arrangement Regarding International Trade in Cotton Textiles meaning Shrimp/turtle meaning SICA SIECASideswipe problem meaning SIECA meaning Similar goods meaning Simplified balance-of-payments consultations meaning Singapore issues meaning Singapore Ministerial Conference meaning Single-column tariff meaning Single commodity producers meaning Single-desk selling meaning Single European Act meaning Single-firm behaviour meaning Single Market meaning Single undertaking meaning SITC meaning Sliding-scale tariff meaning Slippery slope meaning Small economies meaning Small island developing states meaning Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act meaning Snapback provision meaning SNPA meaning Social Chapter meaning Social Charter meaning Social clause meaning Social conditionality meaning Social dimension of the liberalization of international trade meaning Social dumping meaning Social labelling meaning Social regulation meaning Socially-responsible investing meaning Social subsidies meaning Soft law meaning Soft loan meaning South meaning South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation meaning Southeast Europe Free Trade Area meaning Southern African Customs Union meaning Southern African Development Community meaning Southern Common Market meaning South Pacific Commission meaning South Pacific Forum meaning South Pacific Regional Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement meaning SouthSouth cooperation meaning South-South trade meaning Sovereign immunity meaning Soyabean case meaning Spaghetti-bowl effect meaning SPARTECA meaning Special Agreement on Commodity Arrangements meaning Special and differential treatment meaning Special Preferential Sugar Agreements meaning Special protection meaning Special safeguards meaning Special-structure countries meaning Specialty air services meaning Special 301 meaning Specific commitments meaning Specificity meaning Specific process criterion meaning Specific reciprocity meaning Specific subsidy meaning Specific tariff meaning Specific transitional safeguard mechanism meaning Springboarding meaning SPS regulations meaning Spurious dumping meaning Square brackets meaning STABEX meaning Stabilization and Association Agreements meaning Staging meaning Standards meaning Standards code meaning Standards of treatment meaning Standing of industry to apply for anti-dumping or countervailing duties investigations meaning State aids meaning State secrets doctrine meaning State trading meaning State-trading dumping meaning Statism meaning Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants meaning Stolper-Samuelson theorem meaning Strasbourg Agreement Concerning the International Patent Classification meaning Strategic business alliances meaning Strategic dumping meaning Strategic exports meaning Strategic trade theory meaning Strengthening the functioning of markets meaning Structural adjustment meaning Structural impediments meaning Structural Impediments Initiative meaning Structuralism meaning Structural trade theory meaning Stumbling blocks meaning Sub-national obligations meaning Sub-regional economic zones meaning Sub-Saharan Africa meaning Subsidiarity meaning Subsidies meaning Subsidies Code meaning Substantial cause meaning Substantially-all-discrimination criterion meaning Substantially-all-trade criterion meaning Substantial New Programme of Action for the 1980s for the Least Developed Countries meaning Substantial sectoral coverage meaning Substantial supplying interest meaning Substantial transformation meaning Sui generis right meaning Sullivan Principles meaning Sunrise industries meaning Sunset clause meaning Sunset industries meaning Sunshine rule meaning Superfund meaning Super 301 meaning Support prices meaning Surtax meaning Surveillance meaning Suspension of concessions or other obligations meaning Sustainable development meaning Sweated labour meaning Sweatshop-labour argument meaning Swing mechanism meaning Swiss formula meaning Symbolic deals meaning SYSMIN meaning Systemic issues meaning TAFTA meaning Tailor-made tariffs meaning Taking of property meaning Targeting meaning TARIC meaning Tariff meaning Tariff anomaly meaning Tariff binding meaning Tariff concession meaning Tariff Conference meaning Tariff equivalent meaning Tariff escalation meaning Tariffication meaning Tariff-jumping investment meaning Tariff negotiations meaning Tariff-only regime meaning Tariff peaks meaning Tariff preferences meaning Tariff quota meaning Tariff rate quota meaning Tariff schedule meaning Tariff stabilization meaning Tariff wall meaning Tariff wedge meaning Taxes occultes meaning TBT agreement meaning Technical barriers to trade meaning Technical regulation meaning Techno-nationalism meaning TEDs meaning Telecommunications meaning Telecommunications termination services meaning Television Without Frontiers meaning Temporary admission of goods meaning Temporary Exclusion List meaning Temporary normal trade relations meaning Termination services meaning Terms of trade meaning Textiles and the GATT meaning Textiles Monitoring Body meaning Textile Surveillance Body meaning Theory of hegemonic stability meaning Theory of second-best meaning Thin edge of the wedge meaning Third-country dumping meaning Third-country problem meaning Third-line forcing meaning Third parties meaning Third Protocol to the General Agreement on Trade in Services meaning Third Revised Decision on National Treatment meaning Third United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries meaning Third world meaning Thirty ten formula meaning Three pillars of agriculture meaning Tied aid meaning Tied loan meaning TMB meaning Tokyo Declaration meaning Tokyo Round meaning Tokyo Round agreements meaning Tokyo Round codes meaning Top-down approach meaning Torquay Tariff Conference meaning Total aggregate measurement of support meaning TPRB meaning TPRM meaning Traceability meaning Trade meaning Trade and competition meaning Trade and corruption meaning Trade and culture meaning Trade and debt meaning Trade and Development Act of 2000 meaning Trade and Development Board meaning Trade and Development Report meaning Trade and economic agreement meaning Trade and employment meaning Trade and environment meaning Trade and foreign exchange meaning Trade and human rights meaning Trade and illicit payments meaning Trade and investment meaning Trade and Investment Access Facility meaning Trade and Investment Facilitation Agreement meaning Trade and Investment Framework Agreement meaning Trade and labour standards meaning Trade and social conditions meaning Trade and taxation meaning Trade and transfer of technology meaning Trade-balancing requirement meaning Trade-chill effect meaning Trade control measures meaning Trade coverage meaning Trade creation meaning Trade defence instruments meaning Trade deficit meaning Trade deflection meaning Trade deviation meaning Trade diversion meaning Trade Efficiency Programme meaning Trade embargo meaning Trade Expansion Act meaning Trade facilitation meaning Trade – finance – currency linkage meaning Trade harassment meaning Trade in cultural property meaning Trade-induced competition meaning Trade in services meaning Trade in services statistics meaning Trade intensity meaning Trade liberalization meaning Trademark Law Treaty meaning Trademarks meaning Trade negotiations between developing countries meaning Trade Negotiations Committee meaning Trade-neutral measures meaning Trade openness meaning Trade pledge meaning Trade policy meaning Trade Policy Review Body meaning Trade Policy Review Mechanism meaning Trade promotion meaning Trade Promotion Authority meaning Trade protection meaning Trade-related antitrust principles meaning Trade-related aspects of competition law and policy meaning Trade-related aspects of economic development meaning Trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights meaning Trade-related aspects of monetary measures meaning Trade-related aspects of sustainable development meaning Trade-related capacity building meaning Trade-related investment measures meaning Trade-related technical assistance meaning Trade relief meaning Trade remedies meaning Trade-restrictive environmental measures meaning Trade secrets meaning Trade suppression meaning Trade surplus meaning Trade war meaning Trade-weighted average tariffs meaning Trading rights meaning Traditional comity meaning Traditional expressions meaning Traditional knowledge meaning Traffic light approach meaning Traffic rights meaning Transactions in services meaning Transaction value meaning Transatlantic Business Dialogue meaning Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement meaning Transfer of technology meaning Transfer pricing meaning Transitional dumping meaning Transitional measures meaning Transitional Product-Specific Safeguard Mechanism meaning Transitional Review Mechanism meaning Transitional safeguard meaning Transit zone meaning Transnational corporations meaning Transnationality index meaning Transparency meaning Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Arrangement meaning Travaux préparatoires meaning Treaties of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation meaning Treaty meaning Treaty of Abuja meaning Treaty of Amsterdam meaning Treaty of Maastricht meaning Treaty of Montevideo meaning Treaty of Nice meaning Treaty of Rome meaning Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits meaning Treble damages meaning Trends in International Trade meaning Triadization newly industrializing countriestripolarizationTrigger price meaning TRIMS meaning Tripolarization meaning TRIPS meaning Tropical products meaning Tuna (Canada–United States, 1982) meaning Tuna I meaning Tuna II meaning Turtle excluder devices meaning UDEAC meaning Unbound commitments meaning UNCED meaning UNCITRAL meaning UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules meaning UNCITRAL model law on electronic commerce meaning UNCITRAL model law on procurement of goods, construction and services meaning UNCPC meaning UNCTAD meaning UNCTAD BIOTRADE initiative meaning UNCTAD Liner Code meaning UNCTAD-TRAINS meaning Understanding on Commitments in Financial Services meaning Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes meaning Understanding on the Balance-of-Payments Provisions of the GATT meaning Undisclosed information meaning Unfair trading practices meaning Unfavourable balance of trade meaning Unforeseen development meaning UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects meaning Uniform tariff meaning Unilateralism meaning United Nations Conference on Environment and Development meaning United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries meaning United Nations Conference on Trade and Development meaning United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment meaning United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea meaning United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards meaning United Nations economic sanctions meaning United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization meaning United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change meaning United Nations Industrial Development Organization meaning United Nations Millennium Declaration meaning United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference meaning United Nations regional economic commissions meaning United Nations specialized agencies meaning United States Agricultural Trade and Development Act meaning United States―Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act meaning United States—Central America Free Trade Agreement meaning United States – Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products meaning United States–Japan financial services agreement meaning United States–Japan Framework for a New Economic Partnership meaning United States―Jordan free-trade agreement meaning United States Marine Mammal Protection Act meaning United States Merchant Marine Act meaning United States Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act meaning United States – prohibition of imports of tuna and tuna products from Canada meaning United States Reciprocal Trade Agreements Program meaning United States – restrictions on imports of tuna meaning United States – Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline meaning United States Tariff Act of 1930 meaning United States – taxes on petroleum and certain imported substances meaning United States trade agreements legislation meaning United States Trade Representative meaning Universal Copyright Convention meaning UPOV meaning Upper-middle-income economies meaning Upstream subsidy meaning Upward harmonization meaning Uruguay Round meaning Uruguay Round acquis meaning USTR meaning Value-added criterion meaning Value-added telecommunications meaning Variable levies meaning VER meaning Vertical arrangements meaning Vertical foreign direct investment meaning Vertical keiretsu meaning Vestigial thought meaning VIE meaning Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties meaning Virtuous circle meaning Visegrad countries meaning Vitamin B12 meaning Voluntarism meaning Voluntary export restraint meaning Voluntary import expansion meaning Voluntary restraint arrangement meaning Voting rights in the WTO meaning VRA meaning Vulnerability index meaning Wage-differential argument meaning Waiver meaning Washington Consensus meaning Washington Treaty meaning Watch list meaning Water in the tariff meaning WCO meaning Webb-Pomerene Act meaning West African Economic and Monetary Union meaning West African Economic Community meaning Western European Union meaning Western Hemisphere Free Trade Agreement meaning Westinghouse Uranium meaning Wheat flour meaning Wider competition policy meaning Wine gallon assessment meaning Wine lake meaning Wingspread Declaration meaning WIPO meaning WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty meaning Withdrawal of trade benefits meaning Without prejudice meaning Workers rights meaning Working Group on the Relationship between Trade and Investment meaning Working Group on the Interaction between Trade and Competition Policy meaning Working Group on Transparency in Government Procurement meaning Working Party on Domestic Regulation meaning Working Party on Professional Services meaning World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies meaning World Bank meaning World Bank Guidelines on the Treatment of Foreign Direct Investment meaning World Commission on Environment and Development meaning World Customs Organization meaning World Development Report meaning World Economic Forum meaning World Food Programme meaning World Investment Report meaning World Organization for Animal Health meaning World Summit for Social Development meaning World Summit on Sustainable Development meaning World Trade Organization meaning World Wine Trade Group meaning Worst forms of child labour meaning WTO meaning WTO Agreement meaning WTO built-in agenda meaning WTO Ministerial Conference meaning WTO plurilateral trade agreements meaning WTO plus meaning X-ing out meaning Yaoundé Convention meaning Zanzibar Declaration meaning Zero binding meaning Zero-for-zero tariff reductions meaning Zero-margin harmonization meaning Zero option meaning Zero-price knowledge meaning Zero-sum nationalism meaning Zollverein meaning


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